Promotional Products Giveaways on a Budget

Many marketing professionals associate promotional products with lavish gifts and giveaways and thus the thought can be overwhelming for those on a budget. Whether you have a lot to spend but are worried about the most efficient ways to do so or you simply find that the budget is a little tight this year, this article provides readers with a few key tips on how to make the most of their budget.

The first thing to note when shopping for giveaways on a budget is that items do not need to be large or expensive in order to achieve the desired results. In fact, studies show that including a small and lightweight promotional item with a direct mail campaign will encourage recipients to stop by a tradeshow booth, thus increasing traffic while eliminating the need for large gifts and giveaways. Magnets and calendars are ideal for this purpose, as they fit easily into an envelope and do not require high postage costs. And, these items have very practical applications, which means that recipients will likely hold onto them for an extended period of time.

It should come as no surprise that functional items provide the highest return on investment as they often allow for repeated brand exposure and even generate favorable attitudes towards the distributor's organization. Another way for marketers to ensure a high return on investment is to narrowly define their target audience and understand how to reach these valuable consumers. Start by analyzing your consumers' ages, interests and buying habits. Then decide what types of things they will appreciate; for example, a business professional may value a new padfolio while an athletic team may prefer spirit accessories.

Next, check the sales section or ask an Account Manager for ideas on what your target audience will find attractive. In addition to items that specifically correlate with their interests, consider items that are appropriate for the time of year. Many companies offer seasonal specials that are low cost and also timely, practical and stylish.

After selecting the perfect giveaway, it is time to begin the customization process! To lower the cost of production, opt for one color/one location imprints rather than multiple colors. Instead of replicating a yellow and red logo, choose a yellow item and embroider it with red thread to save funds. Also, talk to a Sales Representative about various shipping methods in order to find things that can ship quickly with no extra charge.

The last step to shopping on a budget is to cut coupons and redeem promo codes whenever possible. These tips might seem obvious to some, yet there are an astounding number of consumers forget to utilize discounts. Keep track of coupons by sticking them up the refrigerator or on a bulletin board instead of placing them in a drawer where they will likely be covered and forgotten. You might be amazed at how far your budget can take you.