A Blog about Blogs (and Promotional Products, Of Course)

Search Engine People BlogAfter I saw Disney’s Up, I left the theater inspired by the touching story, but also curious about its message. More specifically, I noted that the little boy was chubby and adorable and how that association perpetuated our society’s growing problem with obesity. What did his extra pounds add to his character or even the story line as a whole? Nothing.

I shared my ramblings with my mother as we walked out of the theater. Her response? “You’re such a soc major!” And, she’s right. I chose to study sociology in college because I have always been fascinated by people’s stories and moreover, how those stories relate to society.

Thus, there’s no better field for me than marketing; I get to spend a lot of my day thinking about social media and learning about the constantly evolving industry tools. Last week, as I was reading through articles from some of my favorite marketing sources, I happened upon the so-called “Mommy Blogs.” These blogs, mostly written by mothers working from home, range from reviews of promotional products to intimate stories about children and marriages. And, no matter what the topic, I am hooked. Ask anyone in the office and they’ll readily agree that my fondness for Mommy Blogs is bordering on obsession.

Partly I love reading the stories, yet I am also intrigued by the fact that these women share personal details of their lives so readily on the Internet. These blogs are social commentaries about how we share information in today’s digital age and they relate to Acree’s discussion about consumers’ trust and whether or not it’s on the decline. Personally, I don’t think that trust is declining but rather it’s changing forms. I’m not only listening to my friends or to well-respected news sources, I am also checking resources such as Mommy Bloggers. Although they may be complete strangers, their online openness and transparency encourages trust in an increasingly global world.

I encourage you to set aside your marketing or human resources “hat” and think about your consumer instincts for a minute. Do you make purchasing decisions based on a brand’s transparency? I know I do. (When you’re done reflecting, please take a moment and enjoy a clip from Disney’s Up :) )

Marketing Coordinator

https://www.flickr.com/photos/extraketchup/ / CC BY-SA 2.0

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