
All I really need to know to Make the right impression™ I learned in Kindergarten

Based on Robert Fulghum’s wildly popular book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, we have added our own twist on the “things I learned in Kindergarten” for the promotional products industry.

All I really need to know to Make the right impression™ I learned in Kindergarten.

  1. Offer your attention and advice willingly.
  2. Do what is right.
  3. Praise in public, critique in private.
  4. Leave a customer’s office the way you found it.
  5. Try, and then try again.
  6. Be kind. Apologize first.
  7. Be on time.
  8. Offer a clean, dry hand to shake.
  9. Care more about people than they care about you.
  10. Come bearing gifts, such as quality promotional products.
  11. Confidently promise and over deliver.
  12. Listen. Really listen.
Posted by Lee in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Pinnacle Promotions News, 0 comments