The Decline of the Handwritten Letter

This graphic has been making its way around the Internet lately:

Funny letters vs emails

I’m not sure where it originated (and please don’t sue me for copyright infringement for posting it), but it’s one of those things that makes you laugh because it’s so true, although, I think that it’d be more accurate to say it was 20 years ago not 10 that we were getting excited about emails. The once-familiar AOL “You’ve Got Mail” was from sometime in the mid-1990s.

While the influx of technology that has gone on in the past ten (or 20) years has been widely embraced by the general public, it has made me wonder if the written word is on the decline.

In this 140 characters or less world that we’re living in, short and to the point has become the norm.  But, as evidenced by the virality of the above-posted graphic, the written letter still holds appeal, even if it’s purely for nostalgic reasons.

I can’t tell you the last time I got an actual letter in the mail, written with a favorite pen.  Sure, I’ve gotten birthday cards and things of that nature, but an actual handwritten letter hasn’t made its way to my mailbox in a long time.

Do we really want the next generation not to know the excitement of opening your mailbox and finding a handwritten letter inside?  Maybe one day, emails will be passe, and someone will write a blog post about bringing them back.  But for now, here’s my plea: bring back the traditional written letter! And if you need something to write them with, Pinnacle’s got you covered!

Marketing Coordinator

1 comment

Love the post, Lee! And I’m in total agreement!

Last year I realized how much I missed getting letters in the mail (and I wanted to work on my Japanese that I’ve been slipping on) so I found a couple of Japanese penpals and then asked my Twitter friends if anyone would want to exchange letters.

Sure enough folks (even some in my same town) took me up on the offer. Getting those letters in my box never fails to make me excited at the end of the day.

And I sure love to mail them out as well!

Handwritten letters, ftw!

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