MyPromo Solutions

Case Study: Outfitting the National Team With Online Portal Technology

Case Study: Outfitting the National Team With Online Portal Technology

Crash Champions utilized online portal technology to help ease the acquisition transition and outfit its newly acquired national team.

Crash Champions, a national auto body organization centralized throughout the Midwest, recently acquired Service King, another auto body repair company with over 40 years of service in the industry. Crash Champions needed a streamlined solution to outfitting and welcoming its newest team members.

A Crash Champions new location

The Challenge 

After acquiring Service King, Crash Champions needed a user-friendly solution to help collect the necessary details to adequately welcome its newest team members with branded apparel. These details included the type of apparel kit required, the sizes of the team members, and shipping addresses at no cost to the end user. 

The Solution 

The Pinnacle Promotions team knew just how to solve this challenge. Crash Champions was assigned a dedicated team to create a custom online portal, to collect all order details across the former Service King locations. The online portal included a branded homepage with brand-approved color details, a secure login page — only accessible with a predetermined password and apparel mockups to help create the custom site feel. 

Each location manager was given access to the shop link to select uniform sizes, quantities and apparel kit types needed for their specific location — which all could be done in a matter of minutes! Managers then received an email confirmation of their order with the necessary details.

The Crash Champions team outfitted in branded apparel

The Result 

By partnering with Pinnacle Promotions and utilizing the online portal technology, Crash Champions featured five apparel kit options tailored to each employee within the organization. During the two-week ordering window, the online portal collected 975 individual orders, totaling around 60,000 pieces of apparel to be distributed across the U.S.  

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Case Studies, MyPromo Solutions, 0 comments
What Is a Pop-Up Shop?

What Is a Pop-Up Shop?

Exclusive events require effective marketing – that’s where the pop-up shop comes in.

Have you ever experienced that “here today, gone tomorrow” feeling? If so, you may have been to a pop-up shop! 

Pop-up shops have become all the rage in the last few years. From retail stores and bar experiences to tech releases and virtual stores, pop-up shops seem to be the trending marketing tool these days. But what is a pop–up shop and how can one benefit your business? 

Defining a Pop-Up Shop

What is a Pop-Up Shop?

To put it simply, a pop-up shop is a store that “pops up” for a limited period. These short-lived shops can stay open anywhere from two weeks to six months. Pop-up shops often provide an engaging experience and unique and limited run products that pique customers’ interests. 

Pop-up shops allow brands to create a sense of urgency that helps drive traffic to exclusive products. It’s a great way to get a feel if a new brand product will make the expected impact or attract a new audience.

Pop-up shops are a great way to drive sales, why not reach out to Pinnacle Promotions today and learn more about how we can help you set up your own PopUp shop!

Physical vs. Virtual Pop-Up Shop

The extraordinary thing about pop-up shops is that these stores take on many different shapes and sizes. Many businesses are even taking these shops online, with virtual pop-up shops gaining popularity. A virtual pop-up shop can operate in much the same way as a brick-and-mortar store, but allows brands to reach a wider audience. 

Brands can partner with brick-and-mortar locations in high traffic areas for seasonal sales or promote new or exclusive products. These partnerships are a “win-win” for both the property owner and the brand – businesses have the chance to test their products, and landlords fill their vacant space. 

Making Your Brand *Pop* With a Pop-Up Shop 

Now that we know what a pop-up shop is, let’s explore what makes this marketing approach so attractive. 

Creating a Sense of Urgency 

When people have a limited window to purchase a product or enjoy a pop-up experience, they are more likely to respond with a sense of urgency. In fact, most pop-up shops have a niche theme to help promote the products. This helps drive traffic and sales overall

Product Testing at its Finest

Pop-up shops provide an excellent opportunity for brands to test new products. The temporary nature of the shop allows companies to create a “soft opening” for merchandise before producing it in mass. 

Organizations can track the sales data before making a more significant manufacturing commitment.

Great for Celebrations and Events

Seasonal releases, partnership announcements and holiday events make great reasons to have a pop-up shop! 

Let’s say you’ve partnered with a big-name music festival and want to release a limited-edition branded cap to commemorate the event. It wouldn’t make sense to sell these exclusive products year-round – that’s why having a pop-up shop would be the perfect fit. 

Increased Sustainability

Consumers are becoming more concerned with the overall sustainability of the products they buy. That’s why many brands are working towards positively impacting their carbon imprint. 

Pop-up shops provide increased sustainability by producing fewer products. There is also less likelihood of storage or extensive transit. Online pop-up shops offer additional eco-friendly benefits – as most do not begin product production until after the online shop closes.  

Social Media Opportunities

The exclusivity of a pop-up shop means it’s a hub for influencers. Interactive events and cool products? Who wouldn’t want to share that on social media! That means brands can benefit from the exposure of sharing these pop-ups with the right influencer channels.

It’s Cost-effective

On the virtual side of things, most online pop-up shops benefit from the lack of overhead inventory. 

Retail pop-up shops tend to be more cost-effective than large-scale store operations. This is mainly because pop-up shops don’t require lengthy leases or square footage requirements. 

Find Your Next Branded Solution

Pop-up shops provide an exciting way for brands to share exclusive merchandise and gain a new customer base. From physical brick-and-mortar stores to online shops, these short-term experiences offer brands an exciting new way to extend their products.

Did you know that we can help you with your next online shop event? MyPromo PopUp can elevate your short-term online shop experience to the next level. To learn more about our customizable online stores, portals and shops, check out MyPromo Solutions for more information

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Marketing Ideas, MyPromo Solutions, 0 comments