How to Reach a Target Audience

5 Pitfalls to Avoid While Ordering Your Branded Swag

5 Pitfalls to Avoid While Ordering Your Branded Swag

Promotional products can be a fantastic way to boost brand recognition and leave your mark on customers. They serve as reminders of your brand, often fostering customer loyalty and sparking conversations. However, navigating the world of branded swag can be tricky, and there are common pitfalls that businesses often stumble into — which can turn a great opportunity into a wasted effort.

In this blog, we’ll dive into five common promotional pitfalls you should avoid to ensure your promotional items are a hit. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s explore how to make your branded swag not only effective but also memorable!

Branded Swag Pitfalls

Pitfall #1: Choosing Cheap Over Quality

It’s tempting to save a few bucks by opting for the cheapest promotional items available, but this can backfire. Cheap products often mean poor quality, which reflects poorly on your brand. Imagine giving out pens that leak or tote bags that rip easily. Not only is it embarrassing, but it also sends a message that your brand cuts corners. Remember, you want your branded swag to leave a positive and lasting impression.

Avoid This Pitfall: Opt for Quality Without Breaking the Bank

While it’s crucial to avoid the trap of choosing the cheapest options, you don’t have to blow your budget to get quality products. Start by researching reputable distributors who offer a balance of quality and affordability. Work closely with your rep to uncover what product will provide you with the best quality for your budget. Read reviews and ask for samples before making a bulk order. Usually, buying in larger quantities can also reduce the per-unit cost. Always prioritize materials and craftsmanship to ensure the items reflect well on your brand.

Pitfall #2: Ignoring Your Target Audience

When you order promotional products, it’s crucial to consider who your audience is. An item that resonates well with college students might not appeal to corporate professionals. Going on a spending spree before fully understanding who your target audience is and what items would appeal to them can cost you.

Avoid This Pitfall: Know Your Audience Inside and Out

To avoid the mistake of ignoring your target audience, take the time to gather insights about their preferences and lifestyles. Conduct surveys or focus groups to get direct feedback. Analyze demographic data to tailor your choices. For instance, tech gadgets or eco-friendly products are generally well-received by younger, tech-savvy audiences, while executive desk items might be more suitable for corporate settings. Aligning your promotional items with the interests and values of your audience will make them more impactful and appreciated.

Pitfall #3: Overloading with Information

A common mistake is to cram too much information onto your promotional products. While it’s important to include your company name, logo, and contact information, your items should not turn into billboards. Too much text or a cluttered design can be overwhelming and unappealing.

Avoid This Pitfall: Keep It Simple and Effective

When it comes to customization, less is often more. Focus on including only essential information such as your logo, company name, and a simple tagline or contact info. Use a clean design with ample white space to avoid a cluttered look. Work with a graphic designer to ensure your design is attractive and effective. Remember, the goal is to make your brand recognizable and memorable, not to overload the recipient with information.

Pitfall #4: Skimping on the Customization

Customization is key when it comes to promotional items. Slapping your logo on a generic product might be easy, but it’s not always effective. Think about how you can make the item unique to your brand. The more creative your promotional items are, the more memorable they will be.

Avoid This Pitfall: Customize Thoughtfully

To go beyond just slapping your logo on a product, think about how the product can embody your brand’s identity. Choose colors that match your brand’s palette and design elements that reflect your brand’s personality. For example, if your brand is known for innovation, opt for tech gadgets with your logo. Personalized touches, like a trendy design or a special message, can make a big difference in how your promotional items are perceived.

Pitfall #5: Forgetting Practicality

It’s easy to get carried away with creative ideas for promotional products, but don’t forget about practicality. If the item isn’t useful, it’s likely to end up in the trash or forgotten in a drawer. Focus on products that people will use regularly. Practical items keep your brand in the recipient’s mind every time they use the product. 

Avoid This Pitfall: Prioritize Practicality

To avoid impractical items, think about what your audience actually needs and will use regularly. Consider the context in which the item will be used. For example, if your audience travels frequently, portable chargers or travel mugs might be ideal. Practical doesn’t have to be boring — look for items that are both useful and have a fun twist. For example, a stylish notebook with an integrated pen holder can be both functional and appealing.

Bonus Tips for Branded Swag Success

Here are a few additional tips to ensure your promotional products stand out:

Plan Ahead: Give yourself plenty of time to order promotional items and customize them with your logo. Rushed decisions often lead to mistakes and overlooked details.

Stay On-Brand: Ensure that every promotional item aligns with your brand’s voice and image. Consistency is key to reinforcing brand recognition.

Mix It Up: Don’t be afraid to try a variety of products. Mixing up your promotional items keeps things fresh and exciting for your audience.

Measure Effectiveness: After distributing your promotional items, gather feedback and measure their impact. This can help you refine your strategy for future campaigns.

Work with an Account Manager: Rather than trying to go it alone, work with your account manager to get an idea of what promotional items are currently trending. Share your project, quantity, and budget — your Pinnacle account manager can then create a custom IdeaKit™ with a selection of promotional items that are sure to be a hit!

Partner with Pinnacle to Avoid Promo Pitfalls

Avoiding these common pitfalls when you order promotional products can help ensure that your investment pays off. Quality, audience awareness, simplicity, customization, and practicality are key elements to consider. By keeping these factors in mind, you can create branded swag that truly resonates with your audience and effectively promotes your brand.

For personalized guidance and to ensure your branded swag stands out, contact Pinnacle Promotions. Our team of experts can help you navigate these pitfalls and provide advice on the latest trends in promotional products. 
Let us help you create memorable and effective promotional items that showcase your brand’s best qualities. Reach out to Pinnacle Promotions today and take your branded swag to the next level!

Posted by Elmer Mobley in How to Reach a Target Audience, Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
10 Common Misperceptions About Promotional Products

10 Common Misperceptions About Promotional Products

Welcome to the world of promotional marketing, where everyday items become significant tools for brand engagement. In this article, we’re tackling ten common misconceptions about promotional products. Often viewed as just temporary giveaways, these items actually serve as essential tools for building long-term brand recognition and loyalty.

We invite you to join us in this informative exploration, where we’ll uncover the real impact and potential of custom giveaway items. As a leader in this field, Pinnacle Promotions excels in transforming these items into impactful marketing solutions. Prepare to shift your understanding and approach to branded giveaways.

Misconception 1: Limited Impact

Promo items do more than just provide a temporary spike in brand awareness; they create lasting impressions and foster enduring brand loyalty. This is how businesses achieve it: by integrating it into the daily lives of their clients and customers. For example, a branded notebook used in daily meetings or a custom water bottle carried to the gym becomes a part of their routine, constantly reminding them of your brand. The items are not only reminders but also conversation starters, extending brand reach every time they are used or seen. Pinnacle Promotions specializes in crafting these kinds of impactful items, understanding that each product is a seed planted for long-term brand recognition and connection.

Misconception 2: Only for Large-scale Events

There’s a common belief that branded giveaway items are primarily for big events like trade shows or large corporate functions. However, the reality is much broader. Promotional items are incredibly versatile and can be effectively utilized in various scenarios, irrespective of scale. They work just as well for smaller gatherings, community events, or even personal marketing efforts like direct mail campaigns. The power of a well-chosen promotional item lies in its ability to become a part of daily life, like a branded pen or a keychain, continuously keeping your brand in the user’s consciousness. Pinnacle Promotions expertly designs products that suit both grand and intimate occasions, ensuring your brand remains prominent in any context.

Misconception 3: Lack of Creativity

It’s a common misbelief that branded giveaways are limited to generic, unoriginal items. On the contrary, there’s a vast creative landscape to explore in promotional product marketing. The true artistry lies in customizing these products to mirror a brand’s unique personality. From quirky designs on t-shirts to innovative tech gadgets, the possibilities are endless. Creative promotional items capture attention, spark conversations, and make your brand memorable. At Pinnacle Promotions, creativity is at the core of our approach, helping brands stand out with products that are not only practical but also have a strong aesthetic appeal and brand resonance.

Misconception 4: They’re Just Giveaways

It’s a common belief that custom giveaway items are merely freebies with little strategic value. In truth, they are powerful marketing tools designed to actively engage and connect with customers. These items go beyond being just giveaways; they create meaningful interactions with the brand. For example, a branded wireless charger or a custom-designed notebook can be used daily, keeping the brand in the customer’s mind. Thoughtfully selected items can lead to increased brand recall and customer loyalty, making them a key component in a well-rounded marketing strategy. By choosing products that resonate with their target audience, companies can turn a simple item into a lasting brand ambassador.

Misconception 5: No Longevity

It’s a common myth that promotional items are used briefly and then forgotten. However, the reality is far different. Quality promotional products often become a part of daily routines, offering lasting brand exposure.

For instance, a study by the Advertising Specialty Institute found that the average consumer keeps a promotional product for about eight months. This duration extends significantly if the item is practical and of high quality. Items like water bottles or tech accessories, which blend seamlessly into daily life, can remain with recipients for years, continuously reminding them of your brand.

The key lies in choosing durable, useful items that people want to keep using. By focusing on quality and utility, company freebies can create lasting impressions and prolonged brand visibility.

Misconception 6: Not Eco-Friendly

The belief that giveaway items are inherently harmful to the environment is a misconception. The truth is, that the industry has evolved significantly, with a strong emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable options.

More and more companies are now offering a wide range of products made from recycled materials, biodegradable elements, and sustainably sourced goods. From reusable tote bags made of recycled plastics to bamboo tech accessories, the options for green promotional items are diverse and innovative. See all of Pinnacle’s eco-friendly options.

These eco-conscious choices not only reduce environmental impact but also resonate with a growing demographic of consumers who prefer sustainable products. By opting for eco-friendly promotional items, businesses can showcase their commitment to sustainability while still effectively marketing their brand.

Misconception 7: Limited to Certain Industries

It’s a common belief that branded giveaways are only effective for certain industries, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, businesses across a multitude of sectors can harness the power of promotional items.

Whether it’s a tech startup gifting branded earbuds, a healthcare provider distributing hand sanitizers with their logo, or a real estate agency offering custom keychains at open houses, customizable promos have universal appeal. Educational institutions, non-profits, and even government agencies find creative ways to use these items for outreach, awareness, and engagement.

This versatility demonstrates that custom giveaway items are not industry-specific but rather a universal marketing tool adaptable to various business needs and contexts. They can be customized to suit any industry, message, or campaign, making them a valuable asset for all types of businesses.

Misconception 8: High Cost, Low Return

A prevailing misconception about promotional products is that they’re expensive with little return on investment. This perspective, however, overlooks their cost-effectiveness and high ROI, especially when compared to other marketing strategies.

Promotional items offer a unique advantage — they’re often less expensive per impression than many traditional forms of advertising. For instance, a branded t-shirt or pen that’s used regularly exposes your brand repeatedly over time, ensuring sustained visibility. This kind of prolonged exposure is hard to achieve with one-time ad campaigns, which often cost significantly more for a shorter impact period.

Company freebies have a tangible presence. They’re not just fleeting images or sounds but physical items that can create a lasting bond with your audience. This physicality often leads to a stronger emotional connection with the brand, translating into loyalty and repeat business. In essence, with well-chosen promo items, you’re not just making a one-time investment; you’re creating long-term brand ambassadors, making the return on investment remarkably high.

Misconception 9: Hard to Measure Impact

It’s a myth that the impact of promotional items is difficult to measure. In reality, tracking their effectiveness is quite feasible. Utilize unique promo codes or URLs on the items to monitor website traffic and sales directly linked to them. Employing surveys and feedback forms can also gather customer reactions and measure engagement. Additionally, social media metrics, such as increased mentions or tags, can indicate the product’s influence on brand visibility. For comprehensive campaigns, CRM systems can track interactions and sales from recipients, providing clear data on their effectiveness. These methods demystify the impact measurement of corporate giveaways.

Misconception 10: Irrelevant in the Digital Age

In today’s digital-heavy marketing world, it’s often misconceived that traditional, tangible marketing tools like customizable giveaways are obsolete. Yet, they hold significant relevance and complement digital strategies. Physical items create a tangible connection with the brand, a sensory experience that digital advertising can’t replicate. Studies reveal that 85% of consumers remember the advertiser of a promotional product, proving their enduring impact on brand recall. Moreover, tangible items drive 500% more referrals from satisfied customers than an appeal through digital means alone. Combining digital campaigns with custom promo items can bridge the gap between online and offline marketing, creating a holistic brand experience for the audience.

Rethinking Promotional Products: A New Perspective

At the end of the day, branded promotional items are more than what meets the eye. They’re not just freebies; they’re powerful marketing tools with immense potential for creativity, engagement, and lasting impact. It’s time to dispel the myths and embrace the true value of these tangible marketing wonders. If you’re looking to innovate and make a real difference in your marketing strategy, consider partnering with experts like Pinnacle Promotions. We’re here to help you unlock the full potential of branded promo items.

About Pinnacle Promotions

Pinnacle Promotions is a leader in the promotional marketing industry, dedicated to crafting creative and effective solutions for businesses of all sizes. With years of expertise and a passion for innovation, we specialize in turning ordinary promotional items into powerful branding tools. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and cutting-edge design ensures your promotional strategy makes a lasting impression.

Additional Resources and References

Posted by Admin in Awareness Promotional Products, Best Promotional Products, How to Reach a Target Audience, Marketing Ideas, Trending Now, 0 comments
How to Talk to Prospects, Capture and Qualify Leads at a Trade Show

How to Talk to Prospects, Capture and Qualify Leads at a Trade Show

Get ready, because it’s almost (marketing) game time! Now that you have a trade show strategy in place, it’s time to gather up the company reps, board the plane, and grow your business. 

A trade show is a prospect gold mine. Heading into the convention center with a plan of action can yield excellent results for your brand.

Once the booth is set up and the team has been given their pep talk, the exhibit hall doors open. Trade show attendees pour into the center and make their way to your booth. It’s a great start and a positive result of your pre-show marketing initiatives and fun giveaway selection

The next step, however, can be a bit challenging: talking to prospects and identifying the leads. No worries, though. We’ve provided some tips on how to talk to your booth prospects, capture and qualify leads who can enhance your business network. 

How to Talk to Prospects

When it comes to engaging with your booth visitors, niceties such as “Hello, how are you?” and “Great city for a conference, right?” will only get you so far in meaningful conversation. The focus of your one-on-one with a prospect should be about asking the right types of questions. 

Your questions can make all the difference and help you identify a lead. Take a look at this sequence of questions that can steer the conversation to your desired result. 

Opening Questions

Your opening questions are just what you think they are: questions that help you determine the prospect’s needs and objectives, challenges, and gauge their level of brand recognition. Some example questions include: 

  • What are you hoping to get out of the trade show?
  • Can you describe some of the challenges you’re experiencing with your current product/service?
  • Have you heard of our brand or product/service before?

Investigative Questions

After you’ve heard your prospect’s answers, now is the time for more probing-type questions. What you learn here can help you identify the prospect as a potential lead. Example investigative questions include:

  • What product/service are you currently using? What do you like and dislike about it?
  • How much are you looking to spend?
  • What are your top three must-haves for a product/service?

Demonstrative Questions

During your presentation, ask questions that will keep the prospect or lead involved. It can help you measure their interest in the product/service and allow you to hear their feedback. Some demonstrative-type questions to try:

  • What do you think of our product/service capabilities?
  • How does it compare to the one you use now?
  • Do you have any concerns or questions regarding our product or service?

Closing Questions

Closure is beneficial in many situations but especially marketing and sales. Good closure questions should encourage a follow-up action for the prospect or lead. Here are some examples:

  • How do the decision-makers in your company decide which vendors to use?
  • What else would be important information for you to know?

If they’re expressing extreme interest to learn more…

  • Can I set up an appointment with you to further discuss our product/service solutions that I think will enhance your company’s objective?

On-site conference rooms can help boost your lead-gen goal success. A private meeting area will allow your team to provide additional capabilities exposure and brainstorm a customized solution for the interested prospect. If you don’t have one available at the trade show, make sure you get their contact information (with their blessing, of course) to set up a future appointment date. 

How to Capture and Qualify Leads

Technology is a great way to create buzz around your booth. Not only is it more interactive for your visitors, but it’s also an excellent tool for capturing and qualifying leads. 

Lead capture technology can provide a great return for companies investing in a trade show. A simple way to capture leads is through QR codes. These 2-D matrix barcodes are often found on event name badges, making it easy for reps to scan and capture visitor information. 

Using this data, companies can later analyze their booth’s traffic performance, sort leads, and leverage this insight to enhance their strategy at the next trade show. 

Trade show merchandise with printed QR codes can get visitors more engaged so they may take the next steps, such as submitting information on a lead form, browsing products or services on a landing page, watching a video or presentation, and more.  

Post-Show Marketing Actions

Reaching out to your leads is a must. Give your contacts some time to get settled at the office before sending your follow-up, but don’t sit too long on it. Be sure to send a lead-nurturing campaign as soon as possible while the lead is still hot. 

Maximizing your post-show marketing can go a long way toward achieving a positive return on your trade show investment. Your follow-up can determine your conversion success, and a well-crafted email can help with that. Make sure it’s customized for each lead. 

When writing your email, remember to clearly state who you are, what company you work for, and the trade show where you two met. Need inspiration? Here’s an example below. 

Trade show lead follow-up email:

Hello [lead name],

It was a pleasure to meet you at [trade show event name]! I hope you enjoyed the keynote speaker and learned a lot at the breakout sessions. 

You mentioned that [lead’s company] is looking to [lead’s pain point], so I wanted to reach out to further discuss how [your company] can help you with your objective. 

I’d love to set up a call with you to answer your questions and chat about the next steps. Do you have time this week for a 15-minute call? I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you,

[your name & contact info]

Measuring the success of your trade show is determined by how you met your marketing objectives. Review the goals you’ve set for your team before the big day and keep them in mind when chatting up prospects. Converting prospects to leads and leads to customers shows great success and can help you determine which shows are worth returning to the following year!

Before you can talk to your prospects and capture potential leads, you need to drive trade show attendees to your booth! See our infographic below on how to do just that.

Share our Infographic

trade show traffic leads infographic

Posted by Admin in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments
What to Remember When Selecting Trade Show Giveaways

What to Remember When Selecting Trade Show Giveaways

Have your sights set on a trade show? The prep work that goes into planning a trade show has many moving parts. From venue fees to nailing down a booth set up to finalizing sales resources that have been approved up the corporate ladder, brands such as yours can spend several months actively developing their trade show marketing strategy before executing it. 

While there may be more pressing matters in your sea of to-do’s, don’t forget that trade show giveaways are a significant facet that can influence the success of your strategy. Promotional products with thought and purpose can create buzz, drive foot traffic, and keep prospects engaged while visiting your booth. 

More goes into choosing a promotional product than just slapping a logo on something cheap. For promos to be their most effective, they need to be strategic and customized for the intended audience. There are several factors to consider. Cost is a major one for most buyers, but there are both tangible and intangible components that can greatly influence your decision. 

Influencers That Can Affect Your Trade Show Giveaway Decision

  1. Location of Venue

    Where your venue is located can affect your selection and trade show budget. Shipping long distances will likely increase your shipping cost and inflate overall spend unless you partner with a supplier that provides no-added-cost rush production services

    The actual setting of the host city can influence your buying decision. Say you and your team are attending a trade show in Miami, FL. Instead of giving out common giveaways like USB chargers and pens, opt for something more noteworthy like branded visors or a cool beach towel. 

    Items with ties to not only your brand but also the city lifestyle can do wonders for your marketing strategy. Plus, it’s something fun and unique that your prospects can use during their trip as well as back home! 

  2. Size & Weight of Merchandise

    Large and heavy items generally out-cost small, lightweight ones. The size and weight of merchandise can also play a role in your booth traffic and brand visibility. Bigger items may seem more extravagant but can be difficult for an attendee to carry around the event, so make sure you consider the size and weight of a product before purchasing. 

    Just think: If it can’t fit in a tote, it probably won’t make it back to the prospect’s hotel room. 

  3. Product Value

    It’s more about the audience’s perceived value of the giveaway rather than the dollar amount spent by the exhibitor. Does the audience find the promo useful or is it popular on the market? Practical items are high-value in the eyes of the attendees, so utility is key when making a selection. 

    However, if you’re on the hunt for something with a wow-factor, an item with unique features may be more valuable to pursue.

  4. Product Durability

    When it comes down to it, high-quality products will reflect better on your brand than ones of low-quality. If the item lacks durability and falls apart quickly, your lead may have a negative impression of your brand based on the quality of the giveaway, or they may have trouble remembering your brand entirely due to having to discard the item prematurely. 

    While cheap products may benefit your bottom line, ideally they should last well after your prospects get home from the event. 

  5. Target Audience

    Does the trade show you’re attending cater to a specific audience? Or are you casting out your marketing net to get the attention of a certain demographic or group? 

    Promos that resonate with your target are a must! Items such as a promotional Popsocket may help to draw in prospects and keep them engaged so you can gain those qualified leads. 

  6. Brand Alignment

    The messaging on giveaways will reflect on your trade show strategy results. 

    Make sure the message you’re sending is what you want to convey. As mentioned before, if the product can’t be linked back to your brand, it isn’t the right giveaway. 

    Consider the industry that you’re in, who you’re trying to convert, and what your product or service does to help customers. This can help you narrow down the choices and discover the best trade show giveaway for your brand, which can benefit your strategy and strengthen your brand’s marketplace prominence.

  7. Campaign or Event Theme

    Draw prospects to your booth display with branded merchandise giveaways that complement a campaign or trade show theme

    You can do a lot with giveaways that go with a theme, but again, you’ll find it more effective if the item is relevant to your brand. 

Winning the Trade Show Through Audience Engagement

As with any marketing strategy, your giveaways should always tie-in to your brand to achieve the desired results. 

Giveaways that enrich your brand can help attract more qualified leads that can lead to higher conversions. Active participation at the booth is a necessary component as well and can be accomplished through interactive content like quizzes, videos, and contests plus take-home marketing resources that prospects can review when they’re back in the office. 

You can achieve much success in your trade show strategy by remembering these details when making a promo purchase. At Pinnacle Promotions, we excel in trade show giveaways and have helped numerous customers find the right promotional products for their marketing strategy. 

Posted by Admin in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments

5 Ways to Make People Forget You

Not putting your brand name on the door of your business is the same thing as not using a promotional product. The price of NOT using promotional products all but guarantees people will forget you.

The Advertising Specialty Institute, a leading promotional products association, releases an annual impressions study. ASI breaks down the effectiveness of promotional products against other types of advertising, by product, and by demographic. Every single study type drives home the high-value effectiveness of promotional products.

Here are the top 5 ways to not use promotional products to guarantee people forget you:

1. Don’t put your brand logo on a promotional pen that people find in their kitchen drawer, on their desk or in their purse.

2. Don’t brand a personalized note pad…let’s just keep calling it scrap paper.

3. Don’t put your logo on a shirt or customized uniform to ensure no one thinks about you when you see it in a crowd.

4. Don’t put your company name on a reusable tote bag that you give out at a tradeshow and no one will thank you for not helping them carry all of their show swag.

5. Don’t put your restaurant logo on a custom mug, on the menu or on the café door. Why do you want people to remember where they at that delicious meal that time?

Click to see our best selling promotional items, and make sure your brand is never forgotten!

Posted by Lee in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments

Oops! The RIGHT Way to Make the WRONG Impression

On the episode of Friends titled “The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance,” Ross has begun to teach his first-ever college course. He is intent on making the right impression, and starts his very first class by introducing himself with an English accent. The hilarity ensues when Monica and Rachel stop by class one day for lunch and discover the bogus accent. He insists the entire fiasco began all because he wanted to make the right impression.

In the promotional products industry, without careful guidance it can be all too easy to make the wrong impression. Our sales team shared examples of the right way to Make the right impression.™

Right: Hand sanitizer for the hospital or doctor’s office
Wrong: Food containing nuts for the hospital or doctor’s office

Right: Branded towels for the local gym
Wrong: Orca whale stress balls for the local gym

Right: A gift pack including sunglasses, hats and sunscreen for the luxury resort in South Florida.
Wrong: Heavy, customized fleece jackets for the luxury resort in South Florida.

Right: Ribbon reflector light for a cancer fundraiser
Wrong: Zippo lighter for a cancer fundraiser.

Right: Filtered water bottle for an alcohol treatment facility.
Wrong: Shot glass for an alcohol treatment facility.

Right: Customized cowbells for the local chicken fast-food restaurant.
Wrong: Customized chicken feet for the local chicken fast-food restaurant.

At Pinnacle Promotions, we know the right way to Make the right impression.™

Posted by Lee in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments

Pens for Lefties

If you’re left-handed, like I am, this is probably all too familiar:

Lefty Perk

[image source]

I have pretty terrible handwriting to begin with, add the lefty smudging, and it doesn’t make for a pretty thank you note. (Sorry to those of you who have actually received a thank you note from me!) So, with around 50 promotional pens on my desk, I set out on a mission. Find the pen the has the least amount of smudging when used by a left-handed person.

Custom Pens

So, I didn’t test all 50 of them, but I grabbed a sample and honestly had no clue which would come out on top.  The winner:

Eco-Green Paper Barrel Pen

The Eco-Green Paper Barrel Pen had the least amount of smudging out of all the pens that I tested out!  And just in time for Earth Day too, right?  It’s a sign!

Are you a lefty? Do you have a favorite pen that doesn’t smudge?

Posted by Lee in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments

Newsjacking the Oscars

Have you ever heard of the term “newsjacking?”. Before I started here at Pinnacle I was aware of the concept of newsjacking, even if I didn’t have the term for it. If you’ve never heard of this pop-culture second style of marketing, let’s pause while I send you over the ever -helpful folks over at Hubspot who have written a definitive essay-length post about it here. For those who subscribe to the tl;dr style of reading  (meaning: too long; didn’t read) newsjacking is exactly what it sounds: hijacking the news.

Now before you start comparing newsjacking to the bus scenes from Speed, it isn’t as life-or-death as it sounds. In fact, if you happen to follow any brands on Twitter or Facebook you will have seen it at work with last night’s Oscars. It’s the practice of capitalizing (aka, jumping on the bandwagon) on a popular, cultural moment. It can be anything from a newstory or Jennifer Lawrence’s rather charming face plant from last night. Brand ambassadors will take to the internet linking their product, service, etc. in relation to this story. For example, a shoe company could have taken to twitter to tweet a Jennifer offering her their shoe insoles offering stability and comfort after her fall last night, and by not only tweeting it to her account but adding an Oscar related hashtag it’s easily viewed by millions. Just take a look at the general Oscar’s hashtag on Twitter: you’ll notice companies have used it even more so than regular users! My person favorite newsjackers have to be the people behind Oreo’s social media presence. For my SuperBowl post, I made a brief mention about how quickly the got their “you can still dunk the dark” image up on the web minutes after the lights had gone out at the stadium. It was the perfect example of what newsjacking should be: relevant and witty.

I could also give you dozens of examples of what newsjacking shouldn’t be, but you’ve probably heard about these massive fails before: like the Onion taking their trademark parody and snark too far last night with a tasteless remark about one of the youngest nominated atendees of the night and then their subsequent apologizing this morning (read more here). Maybe you can recall the all apologizing Kenneth Cole is still doing about their own remark about the Arab Spring? These are the cautionary tales and are all companies that can take a lesson from Oreo. Newsjacking should put you in the news as well, unless the world of marketing is praising your flawless execution of a news jack.

Newsjacks are easily translatable into promotional products. Say a celebrity has been sighted littering by throwing away a single use plastic bottle, wouldn’t it be a great time to send you customers (if you happen to know they are into celebrity news that is) a reusable water bottle with a little note and send out a well placed tweet, or remind people to vote with a Facebook post and a custom pen? Opportunities are limitless and the best think about newsjacking is that if at first you don’t suceed: there will always be new news tomorrow to try again.

The image I added at the top of this post is just a little newsjacking flowchart I messily made as I was thinking how to structure this post (as you can tell, I’m more than a little fond of the Paul Frank monkey and colored pens), you could take the same style and approach for the next big pop culture event and just jot down moments that you can quickly transition over to you social media. Have you ever tried out a newsjack? How did it go, let me know the comments!

Merchandising Assistant

Posted by Admin in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments

Trending Now: Trend #3 Urban Gear

If you frequent your local coffee shop or take a look around when you are waiting for the train, you’ll see the next big trend that we’re seeing… “Urban Gear”.  With our dependence on a life in motion, we now have access to apparel and products that keep our gear (smartphone, tablet, mp3, headphones, etc) safe and stylish.

It seems I can’t sit through a stop light without checking my phone or fiddling with my music selection.  I guess you could say I’m pretty connected at all times!  I love finding products with practical, smart design that support my tech habits.  If your target audience is anything like me, you’ll need to check out some of my favorite Urban Gear products:


The Men’s Sherpa Fleece Lined Seam-Sealed Jacket is waterproof and features a audio port and convenient breast pocket for your phone or mp3. Available in a female companion as well.


The Impact Vertical Computer Messenger Bag comes in gray or black and features a padded exterior pocket that fits up to a 15.4″ laptop. Mesh side pocket holds your drink.


The RoxBox Bluetooth Speaker turns any mobile device into a sound machine. The built in mic comes in handy for a conference call on the go. Love this edgy speaker!


The Techie Headphones feature a sleek design and a fold up feature which makes it easy to travel with. With Beats by Dr. Dre being a hot item this holiday, we’re seeing lots of headphones in 2013.


For more Urban Gear products and apparel ideas visit or our Urban Gear pinboard on Pinterest


Merchandising Manager

Posted by Admin in How to Reach a Target Audience, Trending Now, 0 comments

Promotional Products for the Band

I’m a pretty big fan of Dave Matthews Band. As I was sitting at my desk, listening to their new album and thinking about what I could blog about, it came to me: blog about DMB. Duh.

Dave Matthews Band

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Posted by Lee in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments