Brand Identity and Corporate Logos

The Psychology of Colors in Product Branding and Swag Design

The Psychology of Colors in Product Branding and Swag Design

Have you ever stopped to think about why certain brands use specific colors in their logos and promotional materials? It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about tapping into the psychology of colors to evoke certain emotions and influence consumer behavior. 

We are Pinnacle Promotions, considered the top promotional products suppliers, and in this guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of color psychology and how you can leverage it in your product branding and swag design to make a lasting impression.

Understanding Color Psychology

Colors have the power to evoke emotions, convey messages, and even influence purchasing decisions. In fact, studies show that 85% of customers identify color as the main reason for choosing one brand over another. That’s why choosing the right colors for your brand and promotional products is essential. It could literally tip the profit scales in your favor. 

Let’s take a look at some common associations with different colors:

Red: Studies show that using red in advertising can increase heart rate and stimulate appetite, making it an effective choice for food and beverage brands. Red is often associated with passion, excitement, and urgency. Brands like Coca-Cola and Netflix use red in their logos to grab attention and create a sense of excitement.

Blue: As one of the most universally liked colors across cultures, blue is a safe choice for brands targeting diverse audiences. Blue evokes feelings of trust, reliability, and professionalism. Think of brands like IBM and Facebook, which use blue to convey a sense of security and dependability.

Yellow: Research suggests that yellow can increase mental activity and energy levels, making it a great choice for brands looking to capture attention and drive action. Yellow also represents optimism, happiness, and youthfulness. Brands like McDonald’s and Best Buy use yellow to create a cheerful and energetic vibe.

Green: Did you know green can promote a sense of relaxation and stress reduction? That’s why you see many health and wellness brands incorporate green. It is also associated with nature and growth. Companies like Starbucks and Whole Foods use green to convey sustainability and wellness.

Purple: Studies indicate that purple can stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a popular choice for brands targeting artistic and innovative audiences. It also symbolizes luxury, creativity, and royalty. Brands like Cadbury and Hallmark use purple to evoke a sense of sophistication and elegance.

Orange: Are you looking to create a sense of urgency or excitement with your brand? Then research suggests that orange is the color for you. Orange is effective for brands promoting limited-time offers and sales events. It also represents enthusiasm, creativity, and affordability. Home Depot and Nickelodeon use orange to create a vibrant and playful image.

Black: Maybe you’re aiming for a certain level of mystery and intrigue in your branding. If so, black can create these feelings, making it a popular choice for luxury brands looking to cultivate an aura of exclusivity. Brands like Chanel and Rolex often use black to convey elegance and prestige.

White: Research indicates that white can create a perception of spaciousness and cleanliness, making it a versatile choice for brands across various industries. Brands like Apple and Nike use white to create a sense of simplicity and sophistication.

Applying Color Psychology to Your Product Branding

Now that you understand the psychological associations with different colors, how can you apply this knowledge to your product branding and swag design?

Know Your Audience 

Understanding your target audience is crucial when selecting colors for your branding and promotional materials. Consider factors like age, gender, cultural background, and psychographic traits. 

Are they young and trendy, or more mature and traditional? Do they value innovation and creativity, or are they more conservative in their preferences? By gaining insight into your audience’s preferences and values, you can tailor your color choices to resonate with them on a deeper level.

Example: If your target audience consists of environmentally-conscious millennials, you might opt for shades of green to convey sustainability and eco-friendliness in your branding.

Stay Consistent 

Consistency is key to building brand recognition and trust among your audience. Choose a color scheme that aligns with your brand identity, values, and messaging, and use it consistently across all your promotional materials. 

This includes your logo, packaging, website, social media posts, and any customized products or promo giveaways. When you maintain a cohesive visual identity, you reinforce your brand’s image, making it easier for customers to recognize and remember you.

Example: Take inspiration from brands like Coca-Cola, whose iconic red and white color scheme is instantly recognizable worldwide.

Use Contrast Wisely 

Contrast can be a powerful tool in design. It can help certain elements of your branding stand out and grab attention. Experiment with complementary colors to create visual interest and hierarchy in your promotional materials. 

However, be mindful not to overdo it — too much contrast can be overwhelming and distracting. Strike a balance between boldness and harmony to ensure your design effectively communicates your message.

Example: The combination of blue and yellow in Best Buy’s branding creates a striking contrast that draws attention to its logo and reinforces its energetic and optimistic brand image.

Test and Iterate 

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Explore different color combinations and designs to find what works best for your brand. Conduct A/B testing with small sample groups to gauge audience reactions and preferences. 

Analyze the data and iterate on your designs based on the feedback you receive. By continuously refining your branding efforts, you can ensure that your colors resonate with your audience and drive the desired outcomes.

Example: Online retailers like Amazon frequently test different button colors and placements to optimize their websites for maximum conversions, showcasing the importance of testing and iteration in color selection.

Explore Our Range of Retail Brands!

Explore a variety of retail brands at Pinnacle Promotions to find the perfect promo giveaways for your promotional needs! From stylish retail apparel to trendy drinkware, we have the name-brand products you love. Partner with the best promotional product suppliers around!

Browse Brands Now

Examples of Brands Mastering Color Psychology

Let’s take a closer look at some famous brands that have effectively used color psychology in their branding:


The bright yellow and red colors in the McDonald’s logo evoke a sense of energy and excitement, perfect for a fast-food chain targeting families and young children. These colors grab attention, stimulating appetite. It also creates a vibrant atmosphere in their restaurants to encourage customers to indulge in their favorite meals.


Apple’s minimalist white logo exudes simplicity and sophistication, reflecting the brand’s commitment to innovative design and cutting-edge technology. The use of white creates a sense of purity and cleanliness while allowing the focus to remain on the customized products themselves. This simplicity has become synonymous with Apple’s sleek and modern aesthetic, reinforcing its position as a leader in the tech industry.


The iconic green logo of Starbucks evokes feelings of relaxation and connection with nature, aligning perfectly with the brand’s emphasis on sustainability and community. The use of the color green also creates a calming atmosphere in Starbucks stores, inviting customers to sit back, relax, and enjoy their coffee experience.

Partner with Pinnacle Promotions for Product Branding Success

By understanding the psychology of colors and how they influence perception and behavior, you can create compelling branded products and promotional materials that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. 

Whether designing a logo, packaging, or marketing collateral, harnessing the power of color psychology can help you connect with your customers on a deeper level and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Elevate Your Brand with Pinnacle Promotions

At Pinnacle Promotions, we’re more than just one of the best promotional products suppliers. We’re your partner in product branding success. Our team of dedicated experts can help you navigate the world of color psychology and create customized products that elevate your brand’s visibility and impact.

Whether you’re looking to design eye-catching swag for your next event or revamp your branding materials with strategic color choices, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Ready to take your brand to the next level? Visit our About Us page to learn more about how Pinnacle Promotions can help your brand thrive. Let’s create something unforgettable together!

Posted by Admin in Awareness Promotional Products, Best Promotional Products, Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Cool Promotional Products We Love, Seasonal Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
5 Signs It’s Time for New Promo

5 Signs It’s Time for New Promo

We know you’re gearing up to hustle hard this year, spreading the word about your awesome brand. But as you dig out the old promo from storage, it may not have occurred to you that those old fidget spinners are definitely out-of-date. 

The thing is the promotional products that once rocked the scene could use a little refresh. How do you know when it’s time to shake things up? Well, grab your favorite mug (branded, of course), kick back, and let’s chat about the five telltale signs that scream, “It’s time for new promo!”

#1 Your Swag is So Last Season

Picture this – your company is handing out promotional products at an event, and someone walks up, squints at your swag, and mutters, “I got this  last year.” Yikes! If your promotional items are giving off a retro vibe unintentionally, it might be time to hit refresh. 

Staying on trend not only makes your brand look current and cool but also ensures that your promotional products won’t end up collecting dust in the back of someone’s closet. Keep an eye on the latest trends in colors, materials, and designs to keep your promo game strong.

How to keep an eye on the latest trends: 

  • Stay on top of Social Media Trends: A lot of the products promoted on TikTok and Instagram have bulk customizable options for companies or have dupes that are similar in style.
  • Check Out Your Competition: Keep a close eye on your competitors’ promotional campaigns. Analyze the types of products they’re using, the colors, and the overall design aesthetic. 
  • Collaborate with Promotional Professionals: Consider partnering with a creative promotional team that can provide valuable insights and help you create promotional products that are not only trendy but also align with your brand.

#2 The Buzz is MIA

Remember when your branded flash drives were the talk of the town, and people were lining up just to get one? If that buzz has dwindled to a faint whisper, it’s a sure sign that your promotional products need a revival. 

It’s all about creating excitement and generating that ‘gotta-have-it’ vibe. Think about what’s trending or what people are genuinely excited about, and incorporate that into your promotional items. Whether it’s eco-friendly materials, tech gadgets, or quirky accessories, give the people what they want – and watch the buzz return!

3 trending products we love:

#3 Your Competitors are Outshining You

Competition is fierce out there. And your promotional products should be the secret weapon that sets you apart. If you notice your competitors are handing out swag that’s stealing the spotlight (Hint: Stanley Quenchers) it’s time to step up your game. 

Analyze what they’re doing right, then take it up a notch. Whether it’s a fresh design, higher-quality materials, or more useful items, make sure your promotional products leave a lasting impression that makes your competitors green with envy.

#4 Your Brand Identity Got a Makeover

Brands evolve, and sometimes that means a shiny new logo or a fresh color palette. If your brand has recently undergone a makeover, it’s crucial to update your promotional products to match. Consistency is key in building brand awareness, so make sure your swag aligns with your new look and feel. 

Imagine handing out promotional items that clash with your brand’s updated aesthetic – talk about a fashion faux pas! Ensure that your promotional products seamlessly integrate with your current brand identity for a polished and cohesive image.

#5 You’ve Got a New Audience in Town

As your business grows and evolves, so does your target audience. If you’ve expanded your reach or shifted your focus to a different demographic, your promotional products should reflect that change. 

What appeals to one audience, like B2C customers, might not resonate with another, so it’s essential to tailor your swag to the preferences and interests of your current audience. Understanding your demographic is key to choosing promotional products that catch their attention and make a big impact.

Pinnacle Promotions: Your Ultimate Swag Sidekick 

Promo products are like the unsung heroes of brand marketing – they’re out there in the streets, doing the heavy lifting to boost your brand’s visibility. But much like superheroes, they too need an occasional upgrade to stay fresh and relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. 

Keep it fresh, exciting, and most importantly, aligned with your brand identity. Your swag should be a reflection of the awesome company you are, so go ahead, and give your promotional products the makeover they deserve.

And speaking of making a statement with your swag, why not partner with Pinnacle Promotions? Our team is passionate about staying on top of the latest trends in colors, materials, and designs, ensuring your promotional products are always ahead of the curve. 
Let us help you elevate your brand with innovative and eye-catching merchandise. Visit our website or call us today at 877.300.2007 to discuss how we can take your promo game to the next level. Your brand deserves to shine, and we’re here to make it happen!

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Promotional Marketing is about Problem Solving

Promotional Marketing is about Problem Solving

Promotional marketing is like a puzzle – a multifaceted game where every piece must fit to achieve the desired outcome. Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or a seasoned marketer looking to revamp your strategy, understanding the essence of promotional marketing as a problem-solving endeavor is key to success.

In this blog, we’ll explore why promotional marketing is all about problem-solving and share some of the best techniques and tips to ensure your promotional efforts hit the mark. We’ll also delve into the world of promotional gifts and items that work effectively. So, let’s dive right in!

The Problem-Solving Nature of Promotional Marketing

Before we dive into techniques and tips, it’s essential to grasp why promotional marketing is inherently a problem-solving endeavor.

Imagine this: You have a fantastic product or service, but nobody knows about it. This is a common challenge faced by businesses of all sizes. You need to find a way to bridge the gap between your offerings and your target audience. That’s where promotional marketing comes into play.

Promotional marketing is essentially the art of identifying and solving problems. It’s about recognizing the barriers that stand between your product and its potential customers and then using creative strategies to overcome those barriers.

The Best Promotional Marketing Techniques

Now that we understand the problem-solving aspect of promotional marketing let’s explore some of the best techniques to tackle these challenges effectively.

Know Your Audience Inside Out

One of the most critical aspects of promotional marketing is understanding your target audience. Who are they? What are their preferences? Where do they spend their time? What problems can your product or service solve for them? The better you know your audience, the more precisely you can tailor your promotional efforts to meet their needs.

To truly understand your audience, start by conducting market research. This can involve surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews with existing customers to gather insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. 

Additionally, you can utilize online analytics tools to track website and social media engagement, allowing you to see which demographics are showing the most interest in your content or products. Combining these approaches will help you build a comprehensive profile of your audience, guiding your promotional marketing efforts in the right direction.

Craft a Unique Value Proposition

Your promotional efforts should clearly communicate the value your product or service brings to your audience. What sets you apart from the competition? How can you make your offer irresistible? Craft a compelling value proposition that answers these questions and resonates with your audience.

Embrace Multichannel Marketing

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to reach your audience where they are. Utilize various marketing channels, from social media and email marketing to content marketing and pay-per-click advertising. A multi-pronged approach ensures you’re casting a wide net.

Leverage the Power of Promotional Gifts

Promotional gifts can be a game-changer in your marketing strategy. These are tangible items that carry your brand and message, making them memorable. Consider practical, high-quality promotional items that align with your audience’s needs and preferences. Think custom-branded reusable water bottles, stylish tote bags, or tech gadgets.

Measure and Adjust

Promotional marketing isn’t a one-and-done endeavor. It’s an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustment. A great way to measure performance is by A/B testing. It allows you to make data-driven decisions and refine your promotional strategies based on what resonates most effectively with your audience.

You can also track the performance of your campaigns using metrics like website traffic, conversion rates and sales. Use this data to refine your strategy and make improvements.

Putting it All Together: Promotional Marketing Tips in Action

Coffee shop owner in his shop

Let’s set the scene — you own a cozy local coffee shop in a neighborhood filled with competition from big-chain coffee giants. Your challenge is to entice more customers to choose your coffee shop over the larger, more widely recognized brands.

Problem: Your coffee shop is struggling to stand out in a sea of coffee options, and you need to find a way to attract and retain more customers.

Breaking Down the Promotional Marketing Solution

Know Your Audience: You survey your regular customers to better understand their preferences. You discover that many of them value the personalized and friendly atmosphere of your coffee shop and appreciate locally sourced ingredients.

Craft a Unique Value Proposition: Based on the survey findings, you create a unique value proposition that highlights your coffee shop’s local charm and commitment to supporting local farmers. You emphasize the cozy ambiance and the personal touch that sets your coffee shop apart from the large chains.

Embrace Multichannel Marketing: You utilize social media to share behind-the-scenes stories of your coffee shop, showcase local suppliers and engage with the community. You also send out personalized email newsletters offering exclusive discounts to loyal customers.

Leverage Promotional Gifts: As part of your promotional strategy, you offer reusable coffee mugs with your logo and a discount code for future purchases. These mugs not only serve as promotional gifts, but also align with your brand’s sustainability values.

Measure and Adjust: Using data from your email marketing campaigns and social media engagement, you notice a steady increase in customer engagement and loyalty. Through A/B testing, you discover that email subject lines mentioning “local flavor” perform exceptionally well. You adjust your content strategy to emphasize this aspect even more, leading to increased foot traffic and sales.

In this real-world example, the local coffee shop used promotional marketing to solve the challenge of competing with larger coffee chains. By understanding their audience, crafting a unique value proposition, employing multichannel marketing, leveraging promotional gifts, and measuring and adjusting their strategies, they successfully attracted and retained more customers, ultimately boosting their business.

Promotional Items That Work

Now that we are more familiar with the best promotional market techniques let’s take a closer look at promotional gifts and items that have proven to be effective problem solvers in promotional marketing:

Custom Tote Bags

Custom tote bags are eco-friendly, versatile and budget-friendly, making them a popular choice for promotional marketing. They serve as walking billboards for your brand, and people tend to reuse them regularly, whether for grocery shopping, running errands, or carrying their essentials, ensuring your logo gets plenty of exposure.

Branded Apparel

Apparel is a timeless promotional item. Whether it’s custom-printed T-shirts, hoodies, or caps, branded apparel allows your audience to wear your logo proudly. Your logoed apparel can spark conversations and create a sense of community among those who support your brand. Plus, it’s a great way to add style to your promotional efforts and make a lasting impression.

Promotional Drinkware

Promotional drinkware, including water bottles and branded tumblers, are perfect for health-conscious audiences. These items not only encourage hydration, but also serve as on-the-go billboards for your brand. 

What’s more, tumblers, in particular, have gained remarkable popularity on social channels like TikTok and Instagram. Their stylish designs and versatility make them highly shareable, often featuring in user-generated content and stories, amplifying your brand’s visibility among wider audiences. So, consider adding these trendy and practical items to your promotional marketing strategy for a modern touch.

Custom Notebooks

Custom notebooks are timeless promotional items! They’re perfect for jotting down ideas, notes, or sketches, making them an ideal choice for businesses in creative or educational fields. Your brand’s logo on a quality notebook reinforces your commitment to quality and creativity.

Tech Gadgets

Branded tech gadgets like phone stands, chargers, and earbuds are always in demand, reflecting the tech-savvy nature of today’s consumers. By offering these items as promotional gifts, you demonstrate that your brand is tech-savvy and forward-thinking, aligning your image with modernity and innovation.

Remember, the key to success with promotional items is to choose those that align with your brand and resonate with your audience. Don’t just slap your logo on anything; make sure the item adds value to the recipient’s life!

Get the Best Promotional Marketing Tips With Pinnacle Promotions

Promotional marketing is, at its core, about solving problems. It’s about connecting your product or service with the right people in the right way. By knowing your audience, crafting a compelling value proposition, utilizing various marketing channels, and leveraging effective promotional items, you can navigate the challenges of promotional marketing successfully. So, embrace the problem-solving nature of promotional marketing and watch your brand thrive!

Ready to put these problem-solving promotional marketing techniques into action? At Pinnacle Promotions, we specialize in helping businesses like yours create memorable and effective promotional campaigns. From custom tote bags to branded apparel and everything in between, our wide range of promotional items is designed to make your brand stand out. 

Let’s work together to find the perfect promotional solutions tailored to your unique needs. Get in touch with us today, and let’s start solving your marketing challenges with creativity and flair!

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, 0 comments
How Do Logo Products Offer Free Marketing?

How Do Logo Products Offer Free Marketing?

Logo products, also known as branded products, have been a popular choice for businesses to increase their brand visibility and recognition. These products offer a cost-effective way to promote your brand and reach out to a larger audience. 

Let’s say, for example, you own a small coffee shop in a busy downtown area. You decide to create branded coffee mugs with your shop’s logo on them and sell them in-store as a retail item. You also offer them as a free gift with purchases for customers who spend over a certain amount.

One of your customers, John, buys a mug and starts using it at work every day. His coworkers notice the mug and ask him where he got it. John tells them about your coffee shop and recommends they check it out.

A few days later, two of John’s coworkers come into your shop to try it out for themselves. They see the branded mugs on display and decide to purchase one each. They then take them back to their office and use them every day.

This cycle repeats itself with more and more of John’s coworkers and soon enough, your coffee shop has become a popular spot for their entire office. All because of a simple branded coffee mug that provided free marketing every time it was used in public.

Today, we will explore how logo products can offer free marketing and how they can be used as a powerful tool for branded product marketing.

What are logo products?

First things first, let’s define what we mean by logo products. These are any items that are customized with your brand’s logo or message. Think t-shirts, hats, pens, tote bags, water bottles, and the like. They can be made from a wide range of materials and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

How do logo products offer free marketing?

Okay, now you know what logo products are, but how do they offer free marketing? Well, each time someone uses or wears your logo product, they become a walking billboard for your brand. This means that your message is being seen by potentially hundreds or even thousands of people, depending on how often and where the product is used.

For example, if someone wears a t-shirt with your logo to a crowded event, everyone they come into contact with will see your brand. This is a great way to increase brand visibility and recognition without spending a lot of money on traditional advertising.

Using logo products for giveaways and contests

Another way to use logo products for free marketing is to offer them as a giveaway or prize in a social media contest. This is a great way to engage with potential customers and spread awareness about your brand.

For example, you could run a Facebook or Instagram contest where people have to follow your page, tag a friend, and share the post to be entered to win a branded water bottle or tote bag. This not only promotes your brand to the contestants but also to all of their followers who see the post.

Offering logo products as a gift with purchase

Logo products can also be used as a gift with purchase. Offering a branded product as a gift with purchase not only incentivizes customers to make a purchase but also leaves them with a tangible item that reminds them of your brand.

For example, if you sell skincare products, you could offer a branded tote bag as a gift with purchase for orders over a certain amount. This encourages customers to make a larger purchase and provides them with a useful item that they will continue to use long after they’ve used up the skincare products.

Using logo products as gifts for customers and employees

Finally, logo products are a great way to show appreciation to existing customers and employees. Giving them a branded product as a gift creates a positive impression of your brand and also encourages loyalty and repeat business.

For example, you could give your top customers a branded water bottle as a thank-you for their business. This shows them you appreciate their support and encourages clients to continue working with you and your business.

The importance of branded product marketing

Branded product marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase brand recognition and customer loyalty. Logo products are essential to branded product marketing as they are a tangible representation of your brand that people can see and touch.

When creating logo products for your brand, it is important to consider the design and message you want to convey. The design should be simple, memorable, and aligned with your brand identity. The message should be clear and concise, and ideally, it should reflect your brand’s values and mission.

Logo products can also be used to promote specific products or services. For example, if your business is launching a new product, you could purchase logo products that showcase the product’s unique features or benefits.

Empowered Branded Product Marketing with Pinnacle Promotions

Logo products offer a powerful and cost-effective way to promote your business. Whether you’re giving them away at events, offering them as a gift with purchase, or giving them as gifts to customers and employees, logo products can help increase brand visibility and recognition. So go ahead and get creative with your logo product design and messaging,

Logo products are an important part of branded product marketing as they are a tangible representation of your brand that people can see and touch. 

At Pinnacle Promotions, we understand the value of logo products and how adding them to your marketing strategy can positively impact your business growth. From IdeaKits™ to your very own online company store, we have the branded product solutions to make your brand stand out from the crowd. To learn more about how we can support your next logo product project, call us at 800.300.2007.

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
What is Promotional Marketing? Getting Your Swag On for Your Startup

What is Promotional Marketing? Getting Your Swag On for Your Startup

Let’s explore promotional marketing and how to get your swag on for your newest business endeavor.  

Knowing how to market your small business or startup appropriately can take a lot of work. Should you focus all your attention on digital marketing? Or is offline marketing still worth it in 2022? The short answer is that it requires a thoughtful promotional marketing strategy that utilizes digital and offline marketing efforts. But you may be asking yourself, “what is promotional marketing? How do I even get started? Where does marketing swag fit into all of this?” 

That’s why here at Pinnacle Promotions, we are an extension of your marketing efforts and are here to help you as you begin to build your enterprise.

Let’s tackle the most significant part of your marketing strategy — promotional marketing. 

What is promotional marketing?

If you are just starting out, you are most likely feeling the urgency of getting your organization off the ground. Sales may be your most critical focus, but without a thoughtful promotional marketing strategy, you will ultimately run into bumps in the road.

So what is promotional marketing? states in its article, Examples of Seven Types of Promotions, “Promotional strategies are an excellent way for companies and organizations to communicate with a variety of audiences.” Each promotional element must be thought out and discussed as you develop the overall strategy for your business. 

Here’s a short list of the types of promotional marketing strategies:

  • Personal selling – products or services are sold through person-to-person conversations.
  • Sales promotions – short-term sales initiatives such as discounts, coupons or giveaways. 
  • Direct Marketing – directly reaching potential customers through direct mail, emails or even telemarketing to advertise products, services and related deals.  
  • Digital marketing – utilizes content, search engine optimization, social media, email and affiliate marketing to boost your brand, helping you reach a global audience.
  • General advertising – reach a mass audience through areas such as newspaper ads, magazines, TV commercials and billboards. 
  • Public Relations – campaigns centered around social media, press releases, publicity stunts and influencer endorsements to help boost public brand awareness.
  • Sponsorships – paying to help fund a specific event or individual to support a cause and boost your brand reach.

Taking a balanced approach to your marketing strategy will involve all types of promotional marketing. It is up to you how you develop and implement your plan. Just be sure you understand that each plays a vital role! 

Getting started with marketing swag 

“When selecting a giveaway item, it’s important to not only consider the budget, but if the item will be useful to your target customer.”  – Ryan Salay

After creating your promotional marketing strategy, you will need to take a proactive approach to the areas of marketing you deem the most important. Marketing swag should be on that list! Marketing swag will help drive customers cost-effectively and get your brand out into the world. 

So, where does marketing swag fit into all of this? Well, you can think of company swag as an extension of your direct marketing efforts. You are effectively marketing your organization through branded items you can give or sell to your customers. 

Ryan Salay, the Digital Merchandising Manager at Pinnacle Promotions, explains, “Depending on the item, recipients are likely to bring them back home, to their office, or use them in their daily lives, with your logo right there to remind them where it came from.” 

Let’s say, for example — you just finished working with a new client. They ask for your card to pass along to a neighbor, but you’ve just run out of business cards! However, you do have notepads and pens on hand, so you give your client a few extra pens and notepads to hand to the neighbors. 

Best swag for startup businesses

You will want to choose marketing swag that will make the right impression but won’t bust your marketing budget all in one go. Ryan shares some smart promotional tactics to help you get started, “When selecting a giveaway item, it’s important to not only consider the budget, but if the item will be useful to your target customer.” 

He goes on, “Avoid gimmicky products that are likely to be thrown away and instead focus on something you envision your audience using in their day to day lives, whether that be a tech accessory, a pen, a calendar, or something unique! You can even add contact information like a website or phone number as a part of your imprint to make it easy for your recipient to reach back out to you.”

That’s why it’s important to look at cost-effective and functional products customers and employees will want to use daily. Here are our favorite starter swag items for your small businesses and startups. 

Marketing swag ideas for startups and small businesses employees

Your employees are the frontline of your business! Marketing swag helps establish unity across your brand and build rapport and grow relationships with your team. 


When you get your business up and running, you will want to outfit yourself and your team in promotional apparel, such as branded t-shirts and hoodies. (Be sure to find the best custom hoodies). Not only will this provide a uniform look to your team, but it will also help with exposure! 

Office and desk products 

Promotional office and desk products are an effective way to showcase your brand around the office and provide usefulness! Promotional items such as mousepads, wireless chargers, and other desk organizers can help your employees stay on task and promote brand unity.


Even in the digital age, people love using branded notebooks to take notes! Your employees need a practical, handy way to jot down innovative ideas or to record meeting highlights.  

Lunch coolers/food containers

Lunch coolers and food containers make useful employee gifts! And these promotional items are just great for toting lunch to the office -– they are great for game day coolers, glamping and travel – which means your brand gets more exposure! 

Computer backpacks

Nothing is more convenient than carrying all your professional essentials with you on the go. That’s why custom computer backpacks are essential for your employees — with a wide variety of stylish choices to ensure your team has room for all their necessities.  

Marketing swag ideas for prospective customers and giveaways 

Promotional giveaways are great because they are budget-friendly, and you can pass these items along to your customers or future partners. 

Tote bags

Custom printed branded tote bags are cost-effective and beneficial items that help get your brand out into local communities and provide a sustainable way to promote! 

Tech giveaways

Custom tech giveaways are a unique promotional option — which customers love! Branded tech also provides customers with a valuable item that all households and offices need.


You never know when you will need a pen! Having custom pens on hand to give away is a great way to get started with your marketing swag. 

Custom keychains

Custom keychains can be fun ways to get your logo into your community! If you are looking for a more functional keychain, choose the carabiner, LED light or bottle opener types. 

Grow kits

You should plan to set your brand apart, and customizable grow kits are an excellent way to do so! They make lovely gifts and help raise brand awareness. Your customers will remember you every time they look at their plants! 

How to take your promotional swag to the next level

Now that you have a better understanding of promotional marketing and getting your marketing swag started, it’s time to take this knowledge out into the world. We have a few suggestions for utilizing your swag and getting your brand name out there! Here are our favorites:

  • Trade shows – an excellent opportunity to see new industry developments, meet and network with others, see what your competitors are doing and pass out free giveaways for customers or potential partners to take home.
  • Chamber meetings – help you stay in touch with your area businesses and help you make necessary connections. 
  • Local music festivals – offer a fun, engaging environment and allow you to give away your more unique promotional items. 
  • Local businesses – we cannot stress enough how important it is to meet your neighbors! Spending an afternoon going out and networking with local businesses can hugely impact your startup — especially if you leave them a few branded goodies! Do this periodically to help maintain your reputation and build potential partnerships.
  • After completion of service – give your customers something to walk away with. Functional items such as pens, notepads or keychains are great giveaways to help show your customers that you appreciate their business.

Ryan agrees — stating how these events can have a big impact, “Small giveaway items benefit businesses by keeping their brand top of mind without breaking the bank. At trade shows and other events, even the smallest giveaways can attract attention in a crowd, which brings more potential customers face to face with your company and engages conversation.”

When can you start growing your brand?

Once you’ve established your business and are ready to grow your brand, you can begin to think about niche marketing swag items that apply to your industry. These high-end promotional products may be more costly, but you aim to establish a relationship with your partners and employees to create a lasting story with them. 

Here’s a short example: Kathy is an up-and-coming real estate agent. She just closed on a beautiful new home for her clients. Instead of gifting these clients branded pens or notepads, she gives the young couple a custom charcuterie board with her logo. This makes for a great housewarming gift, and her brand will grab attention at dinner parties. Plus, it leaves her clients with a warm, fuzzy feeling that she genuinely values their business. It’s a win-win.

Partnering with Pinnacle Promotions

It’s important to remember to take your promotional marketing strategies a little at a time, as with most things in life. If you begin to feel overwhelmed about budgeting or how you can attend local events, just try to focus on one area at a time before moving on to the next. It’s all about building the foundation of your business!

The best part is that you are not alone – Pinnacle Promotions is here to help! We help you find the best promotional products for your budget as you promote your small business or startup. We can send Idea Kits™ right to your inbox with creative ways to showcase your brand and grow your business. For more information on kits or if you are interested in a specific product to get your promotional marketing started, call us at 877.300.2007 today!

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Is Offline Marketing Worth It in 2022?

Is Offline Marketing Worth It in 2022?

In the digital age, you may think online marketing is the only way to scale your business successfully, but is that true? 

We all know we live in a fast-paced, digital world. This computerized environment impacts how we communicate, how our customers’ shop and how we promote our businesses. It is indeed a different time from when our parents and grandparents were employing their marketing strategies! Because of this, we know that we must utilize digital efforts when it comes to our businesses’ marketing and sales efforts. 

Still, there must be a place for offline marketing strategies, right? Yes! Offline promotional marketing allows your business to connect with your target audience on a broader scale and helps you to create a memorable experience — rather than relying solely on digital efforts to make connections. 

Maybe you are just getting your business off the ground and still putting your marketing pieces together. To help you, we will explore the types of promotional marketing, what offline marketing strategies are and how these play a role in your overall growth efforts. 

What are the types of promotional marketing?

Before we get into the brass tacks of offline marketing, we need to fully understand all the types of promotional marketing to see the broader picture. states in its article, Examples of Seven Types of Promotions, “Promotional strategies are an excellent way for companies and organizations to communicate with a variety of audiences.” Each promotional element must be thought out and discussed as you develop your overall strategy. 

Personal selling 

This is what most people think of when they think of “sales” or a “sales team.” This strategy involves person-to-person conversation, and products or services are sold through a more personal connection, whether in person or over the phone. This type of promotional marketing is crucial because it builds relationships of trust with clients. 

Sales promotions

Sales promotions are short-term sales initiatives such as discounts, coupons or giveaways. This strategy helps drive sales on specific products and introduce new customers to your business. 

Digital marketing 

Most of us are familiar with online or web advertising efforts at this point. Digital marketing utilizes content, search engine optimization, social media, email, and affiliate marketing to boost your brand, helping you reach a global audience.

Public Relations

When you envision public relations for your organization, try to think of it as the face of your brand. Public relations efforts involve campaigns around social media, press releases, publicity stunts and influencer endorsements. This can help not only enhance your brand but also protect it.  


For this type of marketing, you are bringing awareness to your business by paying to help fund a specific event or individual. Sponsorships are a great way to support your local communities and strengthen your credibility as an organization. 

Direct Marketing 

With direct marketing, your business reaches out directly to potential companies or individuals through direct mail, emails, or even telemarketing to advertise products, services and related deals.  

General advertising

The area of general advertising allows you to reach a mass audience through areas such as newspaper ads, magazines, TV commercials and billboards. While these aren’t as targeted as the other types, it helps bring awareness to your brand.

According to Forbes, taking a balanced approach to your marketing strategy will involve all types of promotional marketing. It is up to you how you develop and implement your plan. Just be sure you understand that each plays a vital role!

What is offline marketing?

Now that we know a bit more about the types of promotional marketing, you may be wondering what offline marketing is and how it plays a role in the overall picture of your strategy

To put it simply, offline marketing is any marketing efforts that take place offline. When you send out direct mailers, place ads in the newspaper or give away free branded swag, you are supporting your business. Offline marketing should be a part of the spectrum of your promotional marketing strategy. 

While there are many different types of offline marketing, we have chosen a few to help you get started!

Pinnacle Promotions Top 6 Offline Marketing Strategies

#1 Newspaper & magazine ads

Newspapers and magazines are great, low-cost ways to get your brand out to a broad audience. While the number of views may be lower initially, it’s a great starting point for small businesses just launching their brand or products. The one downside is it can be difficult to track metrics. 

#2 Direct mail 

Another cost-effective solution to offline marketing is direct mailing. It’s especially useful for engaging older audiences. It can help your organization create a brand presence and promote discounts on products and services for new customer engagement. 

#3 Billboards

We’ve all seen them on our daily commutes — billboards are great ways to reach a large audience quickly and effectively. The one downside is that you have to rely on the customer to complete the final step by reaching out via phone or on your website. That means you must ensure that your message and logo are clear, concise and compelling! 

#4 Word-Of-Mouth

The tried and true marketing method, word-of-mouth will be a critical factor in building your brand loyalty. When a previous customer refers your company to their family, friends or neighbors, and you deliver consistent service, you can guarantee that word-of-mouth referrals will continue to spread. 

#5 Radio ads & TV commercials 

Both radio and television can give you some wiggle room to be creative and show off your brand using both audio and visual elements. Radio ads are a more cost-effective way to reach your target audience over commercials, but without the visual aspect, you will have to create a detailed message that conveys your brand and your products and services. 

On the other hand, TV commercials are more expensive and don’t allow for last-minute changes. However, you can visually appeal to your customers.

#6 Promotional products 

Last but not least (especially to us) are promotional products. Known as promo, swag and merch, promotional products are a great way to showcase your brand. Branded giveaways can provide your customers and business partners with a long-lasting way to showcase your logo. 

The better the gift or giveaway, the more memorable the experience is for your customers. 

Is offline marketing still worth the effort in 2022? 

When it comes to promotional marketing and how offline marketing fits into your strategy, you must look at how each piece plays its role within your entire business plan. Offline marketing strategies aren’t the bad guy here. In fact, offline marketing should be evaluated and implemented to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that compliments your online marketing efforts. 

For example, let’s say you are promoting a contest on your company’s social media pages for a free corporate kit with eco-friendly promotional products supporting Earth Day. You can get several kits full of branded items that you can easily send to your top clients, with one saved just for the winner of your social media campaign. It helps get the word out about your sustainability efforts, supports your digital strategy, engages your customer base and helps bolster your relationship with your top clients.

Offline marketing strategies do not play against your online marketing efforts but are just one piece of the whole marketing puzzle. It is up to you how you want to piece it together!

Let Pinnacle Promotions Help Piece It All Together

No matter what your offline marketing strategy may be, Pinnacle Promotions has a solution for you. We understand that offline marketing strategies require quality products, branded just the way you want them and delivered when you need them. 

Our team of dedicated promotional marketing professionals can assist with sourcing products, build kits and even help you scale your business with MyPromo Solutions online stores. Think of us as an extension of your offline marketing strategy! To learn more about how we can help, call us today at 800.300.2007.

Posted by Chrissy Petrone in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Designing a successful logo

Designing a successful logo

by Jack Nicholls, Creative Director

I have been designing logos since I was about 5 years old. As a good Canadian boy, I would try to copy the NHL hockey logos, and later the NFL logos to the point where, through sheer repetition, I could draw them all by heart. The big red “C” of my hometown Montreal Canadiens, the spoked “B” of the evil Boston Bruins, and that big awesome Nordic horn on the purple Minnesota Vikings helmet. Even then, I had a feeling that some were better designs than others...but why? What makes a "successful" logo? How do you define its success?

I remember enjoying learning if a logo had a symbolic meaning to the city they belonged to. When I drew the Detroit Red Wings logo, I liked it even more when my dad told me that the car tire in the logo represented the city’s automotive industry.

A company’s logo shouldn’t be that different from a sports one. It should instill confidence, be very recognizable, and elicit pride and loyalty — for employees and clients alike. It should also look cool on a t-shirt. I think there are a few simple criteria, that if met, will result in a logo that can be defined as "successful." Of course this is all just my opinion — but I have formed this opinion over (gasp) about 40 years of observation.

Where to start

Below are some common approaches (and examples) for designing a logo.

a. The name

There are levels of “obviousness” when it comes to brand recognition. The simplest, most obvious is if the logo is just the name in a stylized font or design. This can be a very clean and effective method. It doesn’t rely on a symbol, the wordmark is the symbol. Take the logos of IBM or Coca-Cola, for example. It’s just their names, but in completely original, instantly recognizable letter forms. Think Metallica, KISS, and the Beatles.

b. The symbol

One step over from that is the name with a symbol. The Apple logo is an apple, Burger King shows a burger, Domino's, Target, Puma... A symbol of the name of the company should be considered quite obvious. Your company name is “Cardinal Software” and your symbol is...a cardinal. You get it. Other people will, too. Trying to be original about the design is where your skill and imagination come in. Good luck, Batman.

c. The first letter(s)

This is still pretty obvious. “What’s his name, again?.. It starts with a “P””. It helps tie down the association of your company’s name to its most obvious symbol: the company name’s first letter. It ain’t genius – but it can be effective. Your company starts with a letter “P” so your logo is a letter “P”. That’s what I did for Pinnacle Promotions and NetKnacks tennis awards. Superman is a strong subscriber to this approach.

d. The unrelated symbol

A great coup is to get your brand known for a symbol that has nothing to do with the name and doesn’t involve the word or letters. It is purely an associated mark. The NBC peacock and Pepsi (swirly ball thing) are pretty good examples, but I think Nike and the Rolling Stones own this one. Swoosh.

Achieve logo greatness

Now that several approaches have been covered to get started, here are 5 checkbox-able elements that I believe can help steer you toward achieving logo greatness.

1. Keep it simple

KISS - “Keep it simple, stupid” is a cliché for a reason. And I think it was coined by a logo designer. The genius of many logos lies in their simplicity. If you ask any random person to draw the McDonald’s logo, there's a good chance they can sketch the golden arches. This is called brand recognition. Also, no matter how complex the logo, it should still work when represented in black and white. Try to avoid drop shadows, effects and anything that makes your logo what I call “fussy”. Just take a look at the big kids, like Amazon, Walmart, Mercedes, etc. They spend millions on branding and advertising, but all of their logos are very simple.

A very quick aside: rules are meant to be broken. I’ve seen many breweries, for example, with logos featuring detailed, retro, hand-drawn details, like Creature Comforts from Athens, GA, for example. They look great on a t-shirt or a beer tap, and I admire their complexity (look for a future blog post on this, specifically), but it’s still a good idea to have a simplified version because...  


2. Make it scalable

This ties in to “simple”, but deserves its own category because of its importance. Keeping a logo simple is a design decision — making it scalable is an exercise in practicality. Having worked in the promotional products industry for many years has allowed me the opportunity to see thousands of logos, and many of these logos, although great, will absolutely not work when imprinted on a pen. The logo designer did not have the foresight to realize their logo might be used at ⅛ of an inch. Thin lines, tiny fonts, and fussy details are all to be avoided for this reason.


3. Easy on the color

Like “scalable”, “color” could also roll up under the “simple” category. Most designers know that color usually comes after design – I said it before, but no matter how complex the logo, it should still work in black and white.

A whole essay could be written about color and what it can mean for your logo and brand. And many have. Red is aggressive, blue is peaceful, yellow is friendly, blah blah blah. I won’t get into those details because some of the color “feeling facts” go against what I think is just as important: originality. I've designed a logo that features the owner’s college football team colors (Go Tigers!) I once chose orange simply because several competitors were blue. Ask the stakeholder and go with your gut.

Whatever your feelings about specific colors, simplicity of color is often the best way to go. Secondary colors, whether they are in the logo itself, or part of the supporting branding elements, can be tweaked over time. Also, there are times when your logo will need to be used as a single color, like white on a colored shirt. Fewer colors can mean less cost. That aforementioned NBC peacock is great, but I’m sure many people have slapped their foreheads when it comes to using it (and paying for it) as a 7 color screenprint on a polo shirt. There will also be times when using several colors isn’t even an option, like a one-color pad print on the side of a pen. Trust me on this one. One, or two colors, max.


4. Be original

When designing anything – logos especially – it's good practice to stay up with trends, so that you can avoid them. If you have studied logos over the years, you can often see where they fit on a timeline. Heavy drop shadows, skeuomorphic design (designer-geek word of the day! It refers to a design style that attempts to be as "realistic" as possible: three-dimensional shading, shadows, etc.), swirling elliptical shapes, the overlapping of multiplied colors, and single line icons all tend to date logos. It might look super cool this year, but will it be as good in five?.. ten? Beware of jumping on a bandwagon.

A side effect of trying hard to be original is that sometimes you are not as original as you thought! I have poured many hours into designing a logo just to have Dean in Accounting say “that looks just like the [another company] logo!” Being a successful designer means you have to develop thick skin. Of course you want to shoot back and say “no, it doesn’t” or “at least I’m not an accountant, Dean-o.” But you can’t. And you shouldn’t. This kind of feedback, although painful (and sometimes downright wrong) is valuable. Take the critique seriously. Ask other people what they think. Even point out the comparison – whether you like it or not, it might be true. Like with music, there’s always another melody. And almost every time, I’ve been happier with the result after going back to the drawing board. Because part of me knew Dean was right.

5. Be clever

This is the fun part. This is where, if you can check off the previous elements, you can flex your logo-designing muscles. This separates the designers from the truly gifted designers. It is not necessary to have an element of clever, but it is very rewarding to get the extra points. Everyone seems to know about the FedEx arrow in the negative (white) space between the “E” and the “x”. Once seen, it cannot be unseen. Sure, it’s a bit of a happy accident, but it was tweaked to be absolutely, positively, intentional. This negative space in a logo can often be where clever lives. Every logo designer looks for it, and hopes to find it there.

I have designed many logos, and I have to admit, I almost always try to get these extra clever points. The thing to be careful of, though, is that it shouldn’t come at the expense of the design itself. Sure, you have a super clever idea of how to sneak some element of the company into one of the letters of the logo. But if you can’t make it look good, it’s not worth it. If it’s too small, it’s not worth it. It has to come in last place, because it is, ultimately, unnecessary.

Your turn

I’ve often thought that logo design is perhaps the purest of all the corporate arts. Maybe it goes back to the hieroglyphs. You are trying to cram the essence of an entire company into one little nugget. And making it simple, scalable, original, memorable, and maybe even a little clever, is a challenge that many designers attempt, but very few truly excel in.

There's a very helpful Picasso-influenced phrase I often use as a retort to clients or friends who might say “that’s what you came up with for a logo? It’s so simple. It must have taken you, like, 5 minutes to do that.”

“Actually, it took me 40 years to do that.”

As a designer, it is quite something to be able to look at a company's logo and say "I did that." It will (hopefully) be used for years on letterhead, the website, branded apparel, business cards, promotional products, videos – and maybe even on the front door you walk through every day.

Posted by Admin in Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, 2 comments
The Right Color Choices for Promo Products

The Right Color Choices for Promo Products

When you, as a consumer, walk through the supermarket, how do you make your purchases? You may first think of price, but unknowingly, product packaging is influencing your purchase decisions. You gravitate towards items that physically appeal to your senses. The shapes, forms, colors, patterns, and typography all have an effect on you, and how you think and feel. So, when it comes to your business, you have to get into the mind of the consumer, and design your product and packaging in a way that represents your brand, and still appeals to the customer’s sensibilities.

Promotional products are excellent brand building tools, but in order to utilize them successfully, you have to take this into consideration when it comes to customization. The most successful companies have developed such a characteristic brand identity that consumers even immediately associate certain colors with those companies. If a company has such effective branding, that can easily be translated into different mediums, from print advertising, to television, to promotional products.

When choosing the most appropriate colors for your promotional products, there are a few key elements that you should keep in mind.

1. Target Audience

If you understand precisely who your target audience is, you will not only choose the most appropriate promotional products to give to customers, but specifically those that visually appeal to them. Each color generally conveys different emotions and messages within different demographics and cultures. For example, the color green can represent nature, money, health, greed, calmness, or good luck, depending on with whom you are communicating. Red can represent passion, danger, speed, or excitement. In terms of culture, as an example, in the western world, white represents peace, while in parts of Asia, it represents death. Vibrant colors tend to resonate more with a younger audience, while more subdued colors resonate with an older crowd. A neon mug might not attract an older consumer as much as a stainless steel mug.

 2. Corporate Identity

When choosing a color scheme, it is not just about personal preferences. Those colors should be representative of your brand. What color suits your brand personality and the characteristics of your products or services? What do you want customers to feel when they interact or associate with your brand? Remember, you don’t have to limit yourself to only one color. If done so appropriately, you can choose multiple colors that complement each other and work together well even on different backgrounds.  For example, this structured cap combines a few different colors successfully, without being jarring to the eye.  There aren’t certain colors that represent specific industries; it’s just finding what works best for your particular brand.

3. Your Competitors

Examine what sorts of color schemes your main competitors are using, and choose the opposite. In this way, you can differentiate yourself from the crowd. Still, always remember the importance of staying true to your brand. By going against the grain, you avoid looking as though you are simply jumping on the bandwagon. In branding, it’s all about being memorable.

Ultimately, if you have your goals in mind, you will make all the right choices when it comes to your color selection. Through good color choices, you can truly communicate your brand’s message, make your brand’s personality shine through, and Make the right impression™ time and time again.

Posted by Admin, 2 comments
Promotional Products to Channel Your Inner Athlete

Promotional Products to Channel Your Inner Athlete

With more and more consumers choosing organic and fat-free foods over the regular, and getting in on the latest exercise trend, tapping into the health & fitness industry for your marketing efforts will help you Make the right impression.™

How can you connect with those health-conscious consumers and successfully promote your brand? That’s where promotional products play in to your marketing strategy. With the right promotional products, you can help each and every customer channel his or her inner athlete, and put your brand at the forefront. Here is just a selection of the ways in which you can reach out to potential customers with great giveaways.

Active Health Tracker & Heart Rate Monitor

 Fitness trackers of all sorts have sharply risen into popularity recently. Knowing everything from your heart rate, calories burned, distance walked, sleep patterns, and more, gives the customer some peace of mind. Customers feel like they can adjust their daily routine accordingly, and take better control of their health. These devices can be a tad expensive, but now that is not a concern. By custom branding this tracker and handing it to customers as a branded giveaway piece, they appreciate all the same benefits that they would have with the popular trackers, while your corporate logo custom printed on the band will travel with them wherever they go, and will be seen far and wide, without busting your budget (or that of the customers)!

 Active Health Tracker & Heart Rate Monitor

Ultimate Gym Set

With the Ultimate Gym Gift Set, the customer will have exactly what he or she needs to make it through a good workout. The customer can stay hydrated with a water bottle in hand, keep energy up with favorite songs playing through earbuds, and even safely hold a mobile device or music player using the armband holder. Each one of these items can be custom branded with your business logo, to remind customers that your brand is making the workout possible, and to potentially increase your brand awareness. This set acts as a unique promotional gift that shows consumers that you really do care about their health.

Ultimate Gym Set- Water bottle, earbuds and armband


Fitness Towel

After the tough workout, nothing feels better than a cool down. Grab a cold water bottle, and wipe away the perspiration with this soft and light, 100% cotton Fitness Towel. If you are in the fitness business, or are even hosting a health or sporting event, this promotional towel is an excellent option. You have substantial space to boldly custom print your corporate branding across it, which in turn allows you to easily spread the word of your business, and grab the attention of a much larger audience.

Fitness Towel

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a priority for many consumers. Take this into consideration, and your brand can motivate those customers, and inspire potential customers to channel their inner athlete. With custom promotional fitness & wellness products, you can and will expand your brand reach significantly, and clearly communicate your unique brand story.

Posted by Admin, 1 comment
How to Throw the Perfect Labor Day Corporate Event

How to Throw the Perfect Labor Day Corporate Event

We are just a couple weeks away from Labor Day, the federal holiday that represents the end of summer, and pays tribute to the contributions of American workers. Americans generally celebrate this day with parties, parades, and athletic events. It’s the time of the year to break out the barbecue, and put together an unforgettable bash. As a business owner, this is a good opportunity to bring your employees, co-workers, and their families together to recognize and celebrate their efforts. With that, here are some tips to help you organize and execute the perfect Labor Day corporate event.

1. Choose a Theme and Decorate Accordingly

Tying all of your party elements together cohesively will create the appropriate party atmosphere, which guests will be able to connect with. This will even make party planning a bit easier, as there is a unifying message that you are putting forward. You could go with an All-American theme, and incorporate the red, white, and blue colors into everything, from the food to the decorations. For example, you could put red, white, and blue balloons up, and even have them custom printed with your corporate branding. These 100% biodegradable latex balloons will be a fun and colorful addition. You could also hand out these USA Promotional Pinwheels to guests, as party favors that kids and adults alike will appreciate. Custom print your company branding on the stick, and you’re good to go! You can even add your corporate branding into items like drinkware, and plates, as a gentle reminder to guests of who is making the party possible!

USA Promotional Pinwheel

2. Plan a Memorable Menu

Finally, every good party needs good food, and now is the perfect time for barbecue. Grilled chicken and veggies, coleslaw, and burgers are just a few of the popular favorites for Labor Day. You will look and feel like a grilling pro with the right equipment. The Grill Master Promotional Picnic Apron Kit is perfect the chef, as it allows for all cooking tools to be easily within reach. The kit comes equipped with an apron, detachable bottle opener, padded oven mitt, and a towel. There is no need to worry about messes, as the apron is machine washable. The best part is that you can have the apron custom printed with your corporate branding, which means your brand can make yet another subtle appearance.

Grill Master Promotional Picnic Apron Kit

By following these tips, you can inject a bit of branding into your corporate Labor Day event in a fun, but not intrusive way, and put together one heck of a shindig! Bring together your team, friends, and family, and incorporate a bit of branding for a completely cohesive and unique get together that will be remembered long after Labor Day.

Posted by Admin, 0 comments