Promotional Keychains: Your Logo in Overdrive

How many keychains do you think the average person has on his/her key ring? Three? Four? Maybe even five? Keychains are popular add-ons to the everyday set of keys, and they’re often seen as a way of expressing ones personality.

Now, insert your logo.

Promotional keychains are the perfect way to get your brand into the everyday lives of your audience, and they’re also great for sneaking in a little on-the-go brand promotion. Your custom keychains will (literally) hook your customers to your brand, and provide them with an impressionable keepsake they’ll use time and time again.

Basically, once you get your branded promotional keychains into the hands of your customers, you can amplify the reach of your brand, as well as put your logo into overdrive.

Here is just a small sampling of a couple custom-printed keychains that just might do the trick:

Bright Idea Bottle Opener Key Light

Disclaimer: This is NOT your average keychain. Perfect for parties and events, this custom keychain is cleverly (and awesomely) equipped with an LED light AND a bottle opener. These extra touches are sure to spark the interest of your audience and will literally illuminate your brand. This multifunctional branded keychain is the perfect way to take an everyday item to the next level with some simple branding and extra functionality.

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Light ‘n Whistle Key Tag

It’s exciting to think that your brand could actually be a hero, and the Light ‘n Whistle Key Tag can help to make that possible. This promotional keychain not only safely holds your keys, but it also features a safety whistle and a red LED light, ensuring your audience is always safe when they have your brand at their side. Light up the night and provide your audience with peace of mind with this useful and efficient custom keychain!

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Micro Rubik’s® Cube Key Holder

Put a stop to boredom and put your business into motion with this custom-printed Micro Rubik’s Cube key holder. More than just a snazzy addition to your key ring, this custom keychain doubles as the popular puzzle we all know and love (and sometimes hate). This promotional keychain has ample room for branding and logo-imprinting, as well as a totally new and unique fun factor! When you give away a branded keychain such as this one, you’ll leave your audience surprised, impressed AND totally busy with your brand!

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Promotional keychains come in all shapes and styles, and they offer several means of customization and logo-imprinting. These items are useful to consumers in more ways than one, and they can undoubtedly give your brand a much-needed lift.

To purchase any of the custom keychains above or to browse other options, be sure to check out our vast selection of promotional keychains and hook your audience to your brand!

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