Color Coding: Pick the Right Hue for Your Next Logo Apparel Order

From a young age, we are taught that certain colors denote specific emotions and ideas. For example, red tends to symbolize anger, or sometimes power, while white implies innocence and naivety. As marketers, it is particularly important to take these symbolic meanings into account when we are promoting our organization with logo apparel. According to, color can comprise up to 85% of the reason why people decide to make a purchase.

New information featured in this month’s issue of “Wearables” magazine elaborates about the powerful messaging inherent in the colors we choose for logo apparel items. For instance, the article references a study conducted in 2009 by the University of British Columbia comparing the effect of red and blue on peoples’ ability to perform detail-oriented vs creative tasks.
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Findings revealed that participants asked to complete detail-oriented tasks using a computer monitor with a red background fared better than those using a blue background, while participants tasked with creative assignments performed better when working on a blue background as opposed to a red one.

This information can be applied to logo apparel campaigns by considering the nature of the message decorating the wearable goods. Namely, if the items are meant to outfit a team of employees responsible for managing technical projects requiring a high degree of accuracy, red garments may be optimal. Likewise, apparel being distributed to creative professionals or promoting a creative message might have the desired effect when set on a blue background.

The article also outlines some of the most popular shades of the year, as determined by an interactive poll. The strongest trend identified in the poll identified warm, optimistic colors as especially motivating. Additionally, a color called “Honey Moon,” which is a mustard-tinged gold, is expected to dominate the logo apparel industry. For more insight into the underlying meanings of colors, check out the full feature in “Wearables.”

Manager – SEM

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