
10 Common Misperceptions About Promotional Products

10 Common Misperceptions About Promotional Products

Welcome to the world of promotional marketing, where everyday items become significant tools for brand engagement. In this article, we’re tackling ten common misconceptions about promotional products. Often viewed as just temporary giveaways, these items actually serve as essential tools for building long-term brand recognition and loyalty.

We invite you to join us in this informative exploration, where we’ll uncover the real impact and potential of custom giveaway items. As a leader in this field, Pinnacle Promotions excels in transforming these items into impactful marketing solutions. Prepare to shift your understanding and approach to branded giveaways.

Misconception 1: Limited Impact

Promo items do more than just provide a temporary spike in brand awareness; they create lasting impressions and foster enduring brand loyalty. This is how businesses achieve it: by integrating it into the daily lives of their clients and customers. For example, a branded notebook used in daily meetings or a custom water bottle carried to the gym becomes a part of their routine, constantly reminding them of your brand. The items are not only reminders but also conversation starters, extending brand reach every time they are used or seen. Pinnacle Promotions specializes in crafting these kinds of impactful items, understanding that each product is a seed planted for long-term brand recognition and connection.

Misconception 2: Only for Large-scale Events

There’s a common belief that branded giveaway items are primarily for big events like trade shows or large corporate functions. However, the reality is much broader. Promotional items are incredibly versatile and can be effectively utilized in various scenarios, irrespective of scale. They work just as well for smaller gatherings, community events, or even personal marketing efforts like direct mail campaigns. The power of a well-chosen promotional item lies in its ability to become a part of daily life, like a branded pen or a keychain, continuously keeping your brand in the user’s consciousness. Pinnacle Promotions expertly designs products that suit both grand and intimate occasions, ensuring your brand remains prominent in any context.

Misconception 3: Lack of Creativity

It’s a common misbelief that branded giveaways are limited to generic, unoriginal items. On the contrary, there’s a vast creative landscape to explore in promotional product marketing. The true artistry lies in customizing these products to mirror a brand’s unique personality. From quirky designs on t-shirts to innovative tech gadgets, the possibilities are endless. Creative promotional items capture attention, spark conversations, and make your brand memorable. At Pinnacle Promotions, creativity is at the core of our approach, helping brands stand out with products that are not only practical but also have a strong aesthetic appeal and brand resonance.

Misconception 4: They’re Just Giveaways

It’s a common belief that custom giveaway items are merely freebies with little strategic value. In truth, they are powerful marketing tools designed to actively engage and connect with customers. These items go beyond being just giveaways; they create meaningful interactions with the brand. For example, a branded wireless charger or a custom-designed notebook can be used daily, keeping the brand in the customer’s mind. Thoughtfully selected items can lead to increased brand recall and customer loyalty, making them a key component in a well-rounded marketing strategy. By choosing products that resonate with their target audience, companies can turn a simple item into a lasting brand ambassador.

Misconception 5: No Longevity

It’s a common myth that promotional items are used briefly and then forgotten. However, the reality is far different. Quality promotional products often become a part of daily routines, offering lasting brand exposure.

For instance, a study by the Advertising Specialty Institute found that the average consumer keeps a promotional product for about eight months. This duration extends significantly if the item is practical and of high quality. Items like water bottles or tech accessories, which blend seamlessly into daily life, can remain with recipients for years, continuously reminding them of your brand.

The key lies in choosing durable, useful items that people want to keep using. By focusing on quality and utility, company freebies can create lasting impressions and prolonged brand visibility.

Misconception 6: Not Eco-Friendly

The belief that giveaway items are inherently harmful to the environment is a misconception. The truth is, that the industry has evolved significantly, with a strong emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable options.

More and more companies are now offering a wide range of products made from recycled materials, biodegradable elements, and sustainably sourced goods. From reusable tote bags made of recycled plastics to bamboo tech accessories, the options for green promotional items are diverse and innovative. See all of Pinnacle’s eco-friendly options.

These eco-conscious choices not only reduce environmental impact but also resonate with a growing demographic of consumers who prefer sustainable products. By opting for eco-friendly promotional items, businesses can showcase their commitment to sustainability while still effectively marketing their brand.

Misconception 7: Limited to Certain Industries

It’s a common belief that branded giveaways are only effective for certain industries, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, businesses across a multitude of sectors can harness the power of promotional items.

Whether it’s a tech startup gifting branded earbuds, a healthcare provider distributing hand sanitizers with their logo, or a real estate agency offering custom keychains at open houses, customizable promos have universal appeal. Educational institutions, non-profits, and even government agencies find creative ways to use these items for outreach, awareness, and engagement.

This versatility demonstrates that custom giveaway items are not industry-specific but rather a universal marketing tool adaptable to various business needs and contexts. They can be customized to suit any industry, message, or campaign, making them a valuable asset for all types of businesses.

Misconception 8: High Cost, Low Return

A prevailing misconception about promotional products is that they’re expensive with little return on investment. This perspective, however, overlooks their cost-effectiveness and high ROI, especially when compared to other marketing strategies.

Promotional items offer a unique advantage — they’re often less expensive per impression than many traditional forms of advertising. For instance, a branded t-shirt or pen that’s used regularly exposes your brand repeatedly over time, ensuring sustained visibility. This kind of prolonged exposure is hard to achieve with one-time ad campaigns, which often cost significantly more for a shorter impact period.

Company freebies have a tangible presence. They’re not just fleeting images or sounds but physical items that can create a lasting bond with your audience. This physicality often leads to a stronger emotional connection with the brand, translating into loyalty and repeat business. In essence, with well-chosen promo items, you’re not just making a one-time investment; you’re creating long-term brand ambassadors, making the return on investment remarkably high.

Misconception 9: Hard to Measure Impact

It’s a myth that the impact of promotional items is difficult to measure. In reality, tracking their effectiveness is quite feasible. Utilize unique promo codes or URLs on the items to monitor website traffic and sales directly linked to them. Employing surveys and feedback forms can also gather customer reactions and measure engagement. Additionally, social media metrics, such as increased mentions or tags, can indicate the product’s influence on brand visibility. For comprehensive campaigns, CRM systems can track interactions and sales from recipients, providing clear data on their effectiveness. These methods demystify the impact measurement of corporate giveaways.

Misconception 10: Irrelevant in the Digital Age

In today’s digital-heavy marketing world, it’s often misconceived that traditional, tangible marketing tools like customizable giveaways are obsolete. Yet, they hold significant relevance and complement digital strategies. Physical items create a tangible connection with the brand, a sensory experience that digital advertising can’t replicate. Studies reveal that 85% of consumers remember the advertiser of a promotional product, proving their enduring impact on brand recall. Moreover, tangible items drive 500% more referrals from satisfied customers than an appeal through digital means alone. Combining digital campaigns with custom promo items can bridge the gap between online and offline marketing, creating a holistic brand experience for the audience.

Rethinking Promotional Products: A New Perspective

At the end of the day, branded promotional items are more than what meets the eye. They’re not just freebies; they’re powerful marketing tools with immense potential for creativity, engagement, and lasting impact. It’s time to dispel the myths and embrace the true value of these tangible marketing wonders. If you’re looking to innovate and make a real difference in your marketing strategy, consider partnering with experts like Pinnacle Promotions. We’re here to help you unlock the full potential of branded promo items.

About Pinnacle Promotions

Pinnacle Promotions is a leader in the promotional marketing industry, dedicated to crafting creative and effective solutions for businesses of all sizes. With years of expertise and a passion for innovation, we specialize in turning ordinary promotional items into powerful branding tools. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and cutting-edge design ensures your promotional strategy makes a lasting impression.

Additional Resources and References

Posted by Admin in Awareness Promotional Products, Best Promotional Products, How to Reach a Target Audience, Marketing Ideas, Trending Now, 0 comments
The Psychology of Colors in Product Branding and Swag Design

The Psychology of Colors in Product Branding and Swag Design

Have you ever stopped to think about why certain brands use specific colors in their logos and promotional materials? It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about tapping into the psychology of colors to evoke certain emotions and influence consumer behavior. 

We are Pinnacle Promotions, considered the top promotional products suppliers, and in this guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of color psychology and how you can leverage it in your product branding and swag design to make a lasting impression.

Understanding Color Psychology

Colors have the power to evoke emotions, convey messages, and even influence purchasing decisions. In fact, studies show that 85% of customers identify color as the main reason for choosing one brand over another. That’s why choosing the right colors for your brand and promotional products is essential. It could literally tip the profit scales in your favor. 

Let’s take a look at some common associations with different colors:

Red: Studies show that using red in advertising can increase heart rate and stimulate appetite, making it an effective choice for food and beverage brands. Red is often associated with passion, excitement, and urgency. Brands like Coca-Cola and Netflix use red in their logos to grab attention and create a sense of excitement.

Blue: As one of the most universally liked colors across cultures, blue is a safe choice for brands targeting diverse audiences. Blue evokes feelings of trust, reliability, and professionalism. Think of brands like IBM and Facebook, which use blue to convey a sense of security and dependability.

Yellow: Research suggests that yellow can increase mental activity and energy levels, making it a great choice for brands looking to capture attention and drive action. Yellow also represents optimism, happiness, and youthfulness. Brands like McDonald’s and Best Buy use yellow to create a cheerful and energetic vibe.

Green: Did you know green can promote a sense of relaxation and stress reduction? That’s why you see many health and wellness brands incorporate green. It is also associated with nature and growth. Companies like Starbucks and Whole Foods use green to convey sustainability and wellness.

Purple: Studies indicate that purple can stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a popular choice for brands targeting artistic and innovative audiences. It also symbolizes luxury, creativity, and royalty. Brands like Cadbury and Hallmark use purple to evoke a sense of sophistication and elegance.

Orange: Are you looking to create a sense of urgency or excitement with your brand? Then research suggests that orange is the color for you. Orange is effective for brands promoting limited-time offers and sales events. It also represents enthusiasm, creativity, and affordability. Home Depot and Nickelodeon use orange to create a vibrant and playful image.

Black: Maybe you’re aiming for a certain level of mystery and intrigue in your branding. If so, black can create these feelings, making it a popular choice for luxury brands looking to cultivate an aura of exclusivity. Brands like Chanel and Rolex often use black to convey elegance and prestige.

White: Research indicates that white can create a perception of spaciousness and cleanliness, making it a versatile choice for brands across various industries. Brands like Apple and Nike use white to create a sense of simplicity and sophistication.

Applying Color Psychology to Your Product Branding

Now that you understand the psychological associations with different colors, how can you apply this knowledge to your product branding and swag design?

Know Your Audience 

Understanding your target audience is crucial when selecting colors for your branding and promotional materials. Consider factors like age, gender, cultural background, and psychographic traits. 

Are they young and trendy, or more mature and traditional? Do they value innovation and creativity, or are they more conservative in their preferences? By gaining insight into your audience’s preferences and values, you can tailor your color choices to resonate with them on a deeper level.

Example: If your target audience consists of environmentally-conscious millennials, you might opt for shades of green to convey sustainability and eco-friendliness in your branding.

Stay Consistent 

Consistency is key to building brand recognition and trust among your audience. Choose a color scheme that aligns with your brand identity, values, and messaging, and use it consistently across all your promotional materials. 

This includes your logo, packaging, website, social media posts, and any customized products or promo giveaways. When you maintain a cohesive visual identity, you reinforce your brand’s image, making it easier for customers to recognize and remember you.

Example: Take inspiration from brands like Coca-Cola, whose iconic red and white color scheme is instantly recognizable worldwide.

Use Contrast Wisely 

Contrast can be a powerful tool in design. It can help certain elements of your branding stand out and grab attention. Experiment with complementary colors to create visual interest and hierarchy in your promotional materials. 

However, be mindful not to overdo it — too much contrast can be overwhelming and distracting. Strike a balance between boldness and harmony to ensure your design effectively communicates your message.

Example: The combination of blue and yellow in Best Buy’s branding creates a striking contrast that draws attention to its logo and reinforces its energetic and optimistic brand image.

Test and Iterate 

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Explore different color combinations and designs to find what works best for your brand. Conduct A/B testing with small sample groups to gauge audience reactions and preferences. 

Analyze the data and iterate on your designs based on the feedback you receive. By continuously refining your branding efforts, you can ensure that your colors resonate with your audience and drive the desired outcomes.

Example: Online retailers like Amazon frequently test different button colors and placements to optimize their websites for maximum conversions, showcasing the importance of testing and iteration in color selection.

Explore Our Range of Retail Brands!

Explore a variety of retail brands at Pinnacle Promotions to find the perfect promo giveaways for your promotional needs! From stylish retail apparel to trendy drinkware, we have the name-brand products you love. Partner with the best promotional product suppliers around!

Browse Brands Now

Examples of Brands Mastering Color Psychology

Let’s take a closer look at some famous brands that have effectively used color psychology in their branding:


The bright yellow and red colors in the McDonald’s logo evoke a sense of energy and excitement, perfect for a fast-food chain targeting families and young children. These colors grab attention, stimulating appetite. It also creates a vibrant atmosphere in their restaurants to encourage customers to indulge in their favorite meals.


Apple’s minimalist white logo exudes simplicity and sophistication, reflecting the brand’s commitment to innovative design and cutting-edge technology. The use of white creates a sense of purity and cleanliness while allowing the focus to remain on the customized products themselves. This simplicity has become synonymous with Apple’s sleek and modern aesthetic, reinforcing its position as a leader in the tech industry.


The iconic green logo of Starbucks evokes feelings of relaxation and connection with nature, aligning perfectly with the brand’s emphasis on sustainability and community. The use of the color green also creates a calming atmosphere in Starbucks stores, inviting customers to sit back, relax, and enjoy their coffee experience.

Partner with Pinnacle Promotions for Product Branding Success

By understanding the psychology of colors and how they influence perception and behavior, you can create compelling branded products and promotional materials that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. 

Whether designing a logo, packaging, or marketing collateral, harnessing the power of color psychology can help you connect with your customers on a deeper level and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Elevate Your Brand with Pinnacle Promotions

At Pinnacle Promotions, we’re more than just one of the best promotional products suppliers. We’re your partner in product branding success. Our team of dedicated experts can help you navigate the world of color psychology and create customized products that elevate your brand’s visibility and impact.

Whether you’re looking to design eye-catching swag for your next event or revamp your branding materials with strategic color choices, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Ready to take your brand to the next level? Visit our About Us page to learn more about how Pinnacle Promotions can help your brand thrive. Let’s create something unforgettable together!

Posted by Admin in Awareness Promotional Products, Best Promotional Products, Brand Identity and Corporate Logos, Cool Promotional Products We Love, Seasonal Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Trade Show Giveaways: Swag that Wins Business

Trade Show Giveaways: Swag that Wins Business

Welcome to the world of trade shows where booths compete for attention, and the right swag can be a secret weapon. You read that right — swag. Those nifty giveaways that make attendees stop, smile, and remember your brand long after the booths have been packed away. 

So, how do you choose trade show giveaways that don’t just attract visitors but also win business? Let’s explore the magic behind the best trade show swag and find the right recommendation to boost your trade show booth.

Know Your Audience: The Golden Rule of Swag Selection

Before you start adding your logo to promotional products left and right, take a moment to understand your audience. Are they tech enthusiasts, wellness warriors, or perhaps parents attending with their little ones in tow? Knowing your audience is the golden rule of swag selection. 

It’s like offering sunscreen at a beach party — appropriate and appreciated. If your attendees include techies consider sleek power banks or smart device accessories. If it’s a family-friendly affair, throw in some promo items for kids, making your booth a stop for both parents and their little adventurers.

Sleek Aluminum 4,000 mAh Power Bank  

With its sleek design and high-quality aluminum construction, this power bank is both stylish and practical. It’s a standout product to showcase your brand while providing attendees with a useful and highly sought-after item. Keep devices charged and attendees connected throughout the event, ensuring your brand remains top of mind long after the trade show ends.

1 oz. SPF30 Sunscreen Lotion w/ Carabiner & SPF15 Lip Balm 

The 1 oz. SPF30 Sunscreen Lotion w/ Carabiner & SPF15 Lip Balm are the perfect promotional giveaways for trade shows hosted in the sunshine states. Keep attendees protected from harmful UV rays with this convenient duo, featuring broad-spectrum sunscreen and soothing lip balm. Customized with your logo, it’s a practical and memorable way to showcase your brand while ensuring attendees stay sun-safe throughout the event.

Booth-worthy Best Sellers

Make your trade show booth the talk of the floor with Pinnacle Promotions’ top-selling swag – guaranteed to draw crowds!

Quality Over Quantity

Trade shows are a fantastic place to give away swag, but it’s not about showering attendees with a truckload of trinkets. It’s about the quality that makes them go, “Wow, this is awesome!” Opt for items that align with your brand that attendees can use daily. 

A sleek, well-designed water bottle or a durable tote bag can be far more impactful than a pile of cheap, forgettable items. Remember, the goal is not just to attract visitors but to win them over with something they’ll keep and use beyond the trade show floor.

Poly-clean™ Promotional BPA Free Bottle – 28 oz.

Made from durable and BPA-free materials, the Poly-clean™ Promotional BPA Free Bottle – 28 oz. is an eco-friendly and practical choice for attendees on the go. With its generous 28 oz. capacity and leak-resistant cap, it’s perfect for staying hydrated throughout the day. Keep your brand visible and hydrated at trade shows with this standout promotional giveaway.

Non-Woven Tote Bag – 20″ x 13″ 

With all the goodies floating around the trade show floor, your attendees will need a durable solution for carrying their collection. That’s where the Non-Woven Tote Bag – 20″ x 13″ comes into play! Crafted from durable non-woven material, this eco-friendly tote offers practicality and sustainability. 

Its spacious size makes it perfect for toting trade show essentials such as brochures, samples, and giveaways, ensuring your brand is prominently displayed throughout the event. 

Spice Up Your Trade Show Strategy: Win-Win with Promo Prizes!

Trade shows are all about making waves, and one surefire way to create a splash is by turning your booth into the ultimate hotspot with promotional item contests. Picture this: attendees eagerly flocking to your booth, eyes sparkling with anticipation at the chance to snag a coveted prize. Whether it’s through a thrilling raffle, a lively game, or a social media challenge, the allure of winning a top-notch promotional item ignites excitement and draws in crowds like bees to honey.

But here’s the real magic: not only do these contests boost traffic, but they also open the door to valuable connections. By asking attendees to toss in their contact info to enter, you’re not just handing out prizes – you’re building a treasure trove of leads ripe for follow-up. And that’s where the real fun begins! 

With a solid database in hand, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to nurture those connections, foster relationships, and ultimately propel your business to new heights. So, rev up your trade show game and let promo prizes take center stage – a win-win strategy bound to leave a lasting impression!

Cotopaxi Bataan Hip Pack

As a branded trade show giveaway prize, the Cotopaxi Bataan Hip Pack offers the perfect combination of utility and style. Attendees will be drawn to its eye-catching design and practicality, making it a desirable contest prize that drives engagement and foot traffic to your booth.

By offering the Cotopaxi Bataan Hip Pack as a contest prize, you create excitement and incentive for attendees to interact with your booth while leaving a lasting impression with a high-quality, branded giveaway that reflects your company’s commitment to quality and innovation.

mophie® Snap + Multi-Device Travel Charger

Attendees will be drawn to the mophie® Snap + Multi-Device Travel Charger and its cutting-edge technology and practicality. This innovative travel charger is designed to keep multiple devices charged and ready for action, making it a must-have accessory for busy travelers and tech enthusiasts alike. The mophie® Snap + Multi-Device Travel Charger is the perfect contest prize for tech or manufacturing trade shows to help stir up excitement and incentive for attendees to interact with your booth.

Stay on Trend: Swag That Speaks Today’s Language

Just like fashion trends, swag trends evolve. Stay on top of the game by offering trade show giveaways that align with the latest trends. Think sustainable items for the eco-conscious crowd or office promo that are great for daily use to keep your brand top of mind. Stay abreast of what’s hot, and your booth will be the talk of the trade show town.

Wheat Straw Malibu Sunglasses

Crafted from eco-friendly wheat straw material, the Wheat Straw Malibu Sunglasses offer both fashion and function while reducing environmental impact. With their classic design and UV400 lenses, they provide reliable sun protection. Attendees will be drawn to their trendy design and eco-friendly materials, making them a highly desirable item that drives traffic to your booth.

5” x 7” Mineral Stone Field Bound Notebook 

The sleek 5” x 7” Mineral Stone Field Bound Notebook features a mineral stone cover that adds a touch of sophistication to any workspace or adventure. With a compact size and durable construction, this notebook is ideal for jotting down notes, sketches, or ideas on the go. Give attendees a trendy, useful tool for staying organized and productive, all while showcasing your brand in a positive light.

Stand Out from the Competition with Pinnacle Promotions

Transform your trade show booth into a standout sensation with Pinnacle Promotions’ unbeatable deals on premium swag that steals the spotlight!

Trade Show Giveaways That Engage the Senses

Have you ever received a package and couldn’t resist popping the bubble wrap? Engage your audience’s senses with swag that goes beyond the visual. Items with interesting textures, scents, or even interactive elements can leave a lasting impression. It’s like creating a sensory experience that resonates with attendees, transforming your booth into a memorable presence amidst the trade show hustle and bustle.

Lip Moisturizer Ball

No one wants dry, chapped lips after walking the rows and rows of vendor booths at the biggest industry trade show. That’s where the Lip Moisturizer Ball can save the day. This lip balm features a convenient ball-shaped design that glides on smoothly, enveloping your lips in instant moisture and comfort. The compact size makes it easy to carry while the moisturizer keeps lips nourished and protected throughout the day. 

Aromatic Reed Diffuser with Bamboo Lid

This elegant diffuser features natural reeds and a bamboo lid, releasing a subtle and soothing fragrance that fills the air with tranquility. By presenting the Aromatic Reed Diffuser with Bamboo Lid as a branded trade show giveaway, you’re not just offering attendees a unique product — you’re providing a sensory experience that ensures your brand lingers in their memory long after the event. 

Think Beyond the Booth: Swag That Travels

The impact of your swag shouldn’t be confined to the trade show floor. Think beyond the booth and choose items that can travel with your audience. Whether it’s a compact travel set or a can cooler consider the portability factor. The more your swag ventures beyond the trade show, the more exposure your brand gets.

Outdoor 5-Piece Wellness Set

The Outdoor 5-Piece Wellness Set offers a compact size and portable design, making it perfect for on-the-go use. With its convenient travel case, attendees can walk out of the trade show knowing they have a 0.33oz pen spray bottle of Hand Sanitizer, SPF30 Sunscreen, After Burn Spray, Insect Repellent, and After Bite Spray, all in one set.

 Koozie® Collapsible Can Cooler

Keep your attendees’ beverages cool inside and outside the trade show! Whether attendees are picnicking in the park, barbecuing in the backyard, or relaxing at the beach, your brand will stay top of mind as they sip their favorite drinks. Its collapsible design makes it easy to stash in bags or pockets, ensuring trade show traffic keeps flowing. 

Promo Items for Kids: Because Little Attendees Matter Too

If your trade show welcomes families, don’t forget the littlest attendees. Promo items for kids can turn your booth into a family-friendly haven. Think coloring books, mini puzzles, or even branded crayons. Not only does this cater to the younger audience, but it also positions your brand as considerate and family-oriented.

Push Pop Circle Stress Reliever Game 

Keep kids happy with the Push Pop Circle Stress Reliever Game. Kids will love popping the bubbles and playing with friends, making it a highly desirable item that drives excitement and engagement. With its compact size and lightweight design, it’s perfect for on-the-go entertainment, making it a great promo item for kids and a branded trade show giveaway.

Coloring Book: Meet Rocky the Recycling Raccoon

The Coloring Book: Meet Rocky the Recycling Raccoon is an engaging and educational promotional item that sparks creativity and eco-consciousness in children. Children will love coloring in the vibrant illustrations and learning valuable sustainability and environmental lessons. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to transport, making it an ideal promo item for kids. Pair it with the 6-Piece Crayon Set for the full creative experience.

Make it Shareable: Swag Worth Bragging About

In the age of social media, the impact of your trade show swag continues even after attendees leave the venue. Choose items that are shareable and worth bragging about online. Whether it’s a quirky hashtag on a tote bag or a visually appealing item, make your swag Instagram-worthy. The more attendees share their loot, the more your brand gets exposure in the digital realm.

Iridescent Non-Woven Shopper Tote

This eye-catching tote features an iridescent finish that shimmers and shines in the light, adding a touch of glamor to any outfit. As a branded trade show giveaway, the Iridescent Non-Woven Shopper Tote will draw attendees to its trendy design and usefulness, making it a highly desirable item that drives traffic to your booth.

Look At Me Laptop LED Light 

Help trade show attendees say goodbye to dimly lit late-night work sessions with this sleek LED light. Easily attachable to any laptop, this LED offers adjustable brightness and a flexible gooseneck design, ensuring personalized illumination for any task. Its compact size and Instagram-worthy appeal make it a social media sensation, amplifying your brand’s reach beyond the event.

Elevate Your Trade Show Experience with Pinnacle Promotions

Ready to make your next trade show a smashing success? Look no further than Pinnacle Promotions! Our expert team is here to help you choose the perfect trade show giveaways that attract visitors and win business. 

With our wide selection of high-quality promotional items and our dedication to customer satisfaction, we’ll work with you to create a memorable experience for attendees and leave a lasting impression on your brand. Let’s make your booth the talk of the town and your brand the star of the show!

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Top 10 Last Minute Holiday Gifts That Make a Huge Impact

As the holiday season nears, it is becoming more apparent how many companies use promotional products as gifts for both employees and clients. With that being said, many companies do not actually come to a conclusion about what to order until the deadline has approached and time becomes the paramount issue, rather than determining what product the employees or clients will most appreciate. 

My name is Jordan, and I am an account manager with Pinnacle Promotions, bringing my extensive expertise to help companies consistently make a lasting impression. With a proven track record in helping businesses succeed, I’m here to guide you through making a big impact with last minute corporate gifts.

Last Minute Gift Ideas for a Successful Season

During this time of year, 24 hour rush promotional products and fast production time become our client’s best friend. With the wide variety of items available on our website with less than 5-day production, getting holiday orders into the appropriate hands is not an issue! Many of our products even offer 24 Hour Rush to guarantee speedy delivery when our customers need it most.

Still, sometimes it can be difficult to select the right gift when the clock is ticking. That’s why I’ve created a comprehensive list of the top 10 last minute holiday gifts to help you create the best experience for your clients and employees this season. 

#1 Custom Calendars 

A well designed custom calendar goes a long way, as it not only showcases your thoughtfulness but also promotes your brand throughout the year. 

#2 Promotional Drinkware 

Promotional drinkware is a great last-minute gift idea because it combines utility with brand visibility. Branded travel mugs or tumblers ensure that your logo and message accompany your clients or employees on their daily journeys, reinforcing your brand’s presence. 

#3 Logoed Apparel

Custom-branded clothing items like beanies, jackets, or hoodies make great holiday gifts, offering warmth and style while showcasing your logo, creating a lasting impression for your clients or employees. 

#4 Branded Outdoor Items

Last-minute gifts like branded outdoor items convey your company’s thoughtfulness and resonate with the adventurous spirit of your clients or employees. Outdoor items like cooler bags or branded hammocks make memorable tokens of appreciation that encourage an active lifestyle while reinforcing your brand’s presence.

#5 Desk Accessories 

Branded desk accessories enhance your recipients’ workspace and daily routines. Consider building a custom kit to include items like branded pens, mouse pads, or desk organizers to spruce up office and work-from-home setups.

#6 Branded Blankets 

You can create cozy environments with custom blankets featuring your brand’s logo and message. Branded blankets are thoughtful and practical gifts that keep your company top of mind as recipients snuggle up and stay warm.

#7 Custom Notebooks

Custom notebooks offer a creative and productive outlet for your team. The next time your team is ready to brainstorm their next industry innovation, they can reach for a stylish notebook or journal featuring your logo, encouraging both branding and creativity in a single thoughtful gift.

#8 Branded Tech Accessories 

In the world of rapidly evolving technology, branded tech accessories are practical must-haves. Items like phone stands, chargers, or earbuds are often used daily, ensuring that your brand remains a constant presence in their digital lives.

#9 Gourmet Food Gift Sets

Send delicious branded gift sets filled with gourmet treats, not only delighting recipients with scrumptious flavors, but also leaving a lasting impression of your company’s generosity and thoughtfulness.

#10 Promotional Bags

Branded tote bags, backpacks, or laptop bags are not only useful and stylish but also ensure that your company’s name travels with the recipient, extending your brand’s reach wherever they go.

Online Holiday Pop-Up Shops & Easy Corporate Gifting 

While I hope my list of last-minute holiday gifts helps in a time crunch, I have found that this year, some companies are choosing to make their orders more personal by offering employees options through an online holiday pop-up shop. This allows their teams to choose between a fleece jacket or a soft shell, a desktop charger or a pen organizer, and more, for example.

This gives the recipient the impression of a more personalized gift that is really tailored to their needs, whereas in the past I have noticed that corporate gifts are chosen with a broader range of recipients in mind. 

While less personal, more generic product options with universal appeal certainly can’t do any harm when distributed as holiday gifts, companies can reap the maximum benefits of a holiday giving program by spending more time listening to and understanding the preferences of their intended audience. 

The length of time that the promotional products are retained and the perceived value of the gifts will be much greater when the recipient is able to sense the time, effort and thought that a particular company put towards selecting the customized presents.


Account Manager

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Employee Welcome Kits: 5 Proven Ideas

Employee Welcome Kits: 5 Proven Ideas

We’ve all been there — those first-day jitters when starting a new job. There’s a ton of new information and training that you must learn while introducing yourself to your new team (and your new boss). It can be pretty overwhelming!

Companies can help new employees feel more comfortable and establish rapport with a custom welcome kit full of branded goodies. When you present the team members with a special box of company-branded merchandise to say, “Welcome to the team! We’re glad you’re here.”

But how do welcome kits for new hires help companies like yours with the onboarding process? These kits contain items that can increase employee engagement, outline employee expectations, give insight into the company culture, and help new employees get started right away. 

At Pinnacle Promotions, we can help you build a personalized new employee welcome kit with any budget. From high-end promotional items to the simplest of gifts, a kit of curated products can make a lasting impression on your new hires.

The Purpose of an Employee Welcome Kit

Employee welcome kits have a few key advantages:

  • Employee engagement
  • Insight into the company’s culture
  • Promotional products that support the job

When members of an organization are happier at their jobs, employee engagement is at a high. Giving promotional gifts is a kind gesture that increases overall employee morale to help drive contributions to the goals and successes of the company. A welcome kit shows new hires that the company is committed to its employees, which can provide insight into the company culture and organizational advocacy among employees. 

Items such as pens, notebooks, and desk calendars can help new employees get started on their new job duties. Consider adding new-hire resources and documentation into your onboarding welcome kit, such as a welcome letter from the team, a supervisor, or president, as well as an FAQ flier regarding important office information your new hires need to know.

5 Proven Ideas to Create a New Employee Welcome Kit: 

Are you ready to start building your new hire welcome kits but are unsure what products to add? Not to worry, we have your back! 

There’s a variety of products to choose from to help make your kit a hit with the new hires. Below are our five proven product ideas to include in your new employee welcome kit that will make them feel like part of the team:

Idea #1: Unique Gifts 

Onboarding new hires with unique promotional items and gifts shows that your organization thinks outside the box. Quirky, fun items will make your new employees smile and create a sense of loyalty. 

What qualifies as a unique gift?

We like to think of unique gifts as outside of the box, fun and trendy. Unique gifts are typically things like the Modern Sprout® Glow & Grow Live Well Gift Set or branded mini desk vacuums (yes, this is a thing, and it surely is unique!).

Idea #2: Office Essentials

Office essentials not only help new employees set up their space but can also help them quickly dive into their job responsibilities. Supplying new hires with a planner, branded pens, and sticky notes can help them feel organized, with effective note-taking during their onboarding training classes. 

Here are five office essentials employees love and appreciate:

  1. Notebooks
  2. Planners
  3. Folders
  4. Desk Organizers
  5. Notepads

If you’re searching for that perfect office essential gift to include in your welcome kit, any of these five items (or all) are great options. Notebooks prove useful for those who love taking notes and like keeping organized. Planners are excellent for those who love to plan their week and need to write down due dates. Folders help keep all those new hire documents together. Desk organizers? Need we say more? Notepads, just like notebooks, are perfect for jotting a quick reminder or writing down a fresh, innovative idea. 

Idea #3: Apparel

Employees love receiving branded apparel to wear around the office and at company events, but they tend to wear their favorites outside the office. Custom apparel comes in many forms, including polo shirts, button-down shirts, outerwear, and even uniforms. Giving apparel can help your new hires feel like part of the team from day one! 

PS: Employees LOVE branded jackets! 

We’ve heard from our clients that their employees absolutely love branded jackets. It’s a warm gift that truly goes a long way. The more stylish and on-trend your jacket, the more likely your employees will wear them out and about in their daily lives.

Shop our custom jackets today, and include it in your welcome kit! 

Idea #4: Industry-Focused Gifts

Create a greater connection with your new employees by gifting branded items specific to your industry. Think of industry-focused items that they can use throughout the day. Something that will help them do their job well is a must! 

Educators and healthcare workers might appreciate a lanyard to hold their ID badge, whereas baseball caps and all-weather jackets benefit those who work in the elements. This gesture allows your employees to work more efficiently once they’ve settled in. Be sure to view our collection of best work jackets to get an idea of what our customers love.

Idea #5: Wellness Gifts

Gifts that promote health and wellness show that your organization cares about the well-being of its employees. Heavy workloads can create stress, and an outlet where you can reduce stress can do a world of good for employee welfare. Items like a stress ball, fitness tote bag, and a water bottle can encourage a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance. 

Mental health is important. Show your care through purpose-built wellness gifts!

We all know that work can be stressful or tedious at times. These thoughtful wellness gifts help you promote a healthy work environment and encourage a positive work/life balance. Shop today and find the perfect wellness gift for your employee kit.

How to Create a New Employee Welcome Kit for Your Company

Sure, you can do it yourself. You can find the products, have them shipped (usually separately), and then assemble your kits by hand. Or you can let us do it for you!

Here at Pinnacle Promotions, let us take the hard part off your hands so you can do what you do best — hire and welcome top talent. Our promotional professionals will help you find the perfect products that fit your brand and budget. We’ll work our magic and curate an unique onboarding kit just for you. 

You’ll love the efficiency and product consistency across your organization. To learn more about our creative ideas and promotional marketing concepts, check out the Pinnacle Promotions blog or contact us today at 877.300.2007.

Get started today and reach out!

Posted by Admin in Marketing Ideas, 6 comments
Top 15 Creative Ideas for Employee Awards

Top 15 Creative Ideas for Employee Awards

Your employees work hard, and they deserve to be rewarded. But how? You don’t want to give them just another corporate t-shirt. They deserve more than that. If you’re having trouble brainstorming employee awards and categories that are creative, useful, and thoughtful, we’ve put together a list of our favorite ideas for employee recognition to help you make a decision.

Categories for Employee Contributions

Recognizing your employees not only fosters loyalty and creativity daily but also strengthens the sense of community within your team. Let’s explore these innovative ways to honor your hard-working colleagues:

#1 Best Deal Closer

If one of your employees is always closing deals and leads the sales department in numbers, it’s time to give them some recognition. Giving them a custom executive pen is a great choice since they’ll think of you every time they pull it out to sign a deal. Both affordable plastic and higher-quality metal versions are available, and some of them even come with a stylus tip so they can be used with digital touchscreen devices as well. Executive pens are available in twist, click, and cap styles as well as a range of colors for every need and budget.

If you’re giving physical gifts for awards, the round brass coaster award is sturdy and durable – a great choice for employees to show off in the office. Trust us, your employees will feel the love.

#2 Best Writer

Most people write in some capacity for their job, but a truly skilled writer is hard to come by. If your writing team has knocked it out of the park recently, consider giving them a personalized leather journal to help them keep track of their creative ideas. 

Multiple styles are available including notebooks, journals, portfolios, padfolios, writing pads, jotters, planners, and binders. Don’t worry if leather isn’t your material of choice. There are many other materials available as well, including faux leather, paper, and even stone! Some of our personal favorites are the Moleskine® Hard Cover Ruled Large Notebook and the Karst Pocket Stone Paper Notebook

To help boost this employee award idea, we recommend pairing a custom executive pen with a leather or faux leather promotional portfolio for a substantial yet useful gift the recipient is sure to appreciate

#3 Most Hustle

If you have a standout employee on the team who has shown the most drive and determination to get his or her projects accomplished, why not gift them with something deserving? Promotional food and beverage gift baskets are great ideas for employee recognition, and your top hustler will surely enjoy the goodies and the feeling of being appreciated. Pop Star Premium Popcorn Gift Set.

Whether it’s the Pop Star Premium Popcorn Gift Set, a sweet treat like the You’re Appreciated Sustainable Snack Pack or a healthier nut mix option like the Favorite Snack Gift Bag, your employees can unwind with a scrumptious treat. Most items come beautifully packaged, so all you need to do is present it to them in person or leave it on their desk as a surprise with a nice note.

#4 Best Road Warrior

Traveling for work can be tough since it takes you away from your home and family. If one of your employees has been hitting the road a lot recently, reward their performance with practical corporate awards they’ll be sure to use on many trips to come — like a high-quality branded backpack.

Many working professionals gravitate towards computer backpacks, which keep their look classy while preserving all the functionality of a traditional backpack. If your employees fly a lot for work, they’re sure to appreciate a checkpoint-friendly backpack that will help them get through security faster than you can say “TSA.” 

These backpacks feature quick-access pockets and special space for laptops. Some models even lay flat to go through security checkpoints, making flying easier than ever. Find the best backpacks for women and the best work backpacks from Pinnacle to give to your favorite road warrior.

#5 Best Dressed

Among more traditional employee award categories like “best leader” or “most innovative,” it’s good to have a couple of fun ones to promote company culture and add some humor to the workday. One of our personal favorites is Best Dressed, so of course, it makes sense to give some sort of apparel to the winner. But some options—such as t-shirts—can come off as cheap and lacking thoughtfulness. We recommend choosing a custom jacket or another type of high-quality promotional outerwear – for work jackets, check out our best work jackets collection for great outerwear ideas. 

Lightweight jackets are a perfect choice if you tend to keep the office a bit chilly, while more substantial coats are great if you live in a colder environment or are looking for a fall/winter award. If you want a more transitional piece, custom vests are also an option. Be sure to check out the best vests for men and the best vests for women to find your favorite.

#6 Biggest Overachiever

If one of your colleagues has been putting in a lot of overtime recently, why not honor them with a thoughtful gift in the form of a Bamboo Wireless Charging Desk Clock? This clock offers a  sleek and modern design. The top surface has a 5W wireless charging pad for compatible devices to help keep devices powered throughout the day and night — just like that hardworking colleague!

A small version of your logo can be elegantly incorporated into the clock, discreetly enough that the recipient will think of your company whenever they check the time—without it being obtrusive or distracting to others.

#7 Best Speaker

Speaking in public is hard, whether it’s presenting to your colleagues or pitching a major potential client. If your team recently nailed a big presentation, celebrate by giving them a high-quality, branded Bluetooth speaker to commemorate the occasion. One of our personal favorites is the Boxanne Bluetooth Speaker which offers a Bluetooth range of up to 30 feet and features a wrist strap that you can wrap around backpacks, bikes, etc, for easy portability. 

If you’re looking for a truly unique employee reward, there’s also the High Sierra Kodiak IPX7 Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker, which offers 12 hours of listening on a three-hour charge.

#8 Most Innovative

Employees who implement innovative new processes deserve an award that’s equally practical and unusual. Instead of the typical plaque, consider giving them a pair of nice Bluetooth headphones instead—after all, music can stimulate creativity! We recommend the Wrapsody Bluetooth Headphones, which combine a futuristic design with large imprint areas on the headphone drivers. 

The headphones also provide omnidirectional full-range audio drivers, 85 percent isolating outside noise reduction, a 33-foot Bluetooth wireless range, multi-function on-ear buttons for answering calls and controlling music, a built-in microphone for phone calls, and 10+ hours of play on a single charge.

#9 Everyday Leadership Award

Employees don’t have to have “leader” or “manager” in their title to be a leader at work. Honor workers who have shown leadership in their everyday duties with a gift that they can also use every day, such as a custom tumbler. Tumblers are made of durable plastic or stainless steel and usually feature a double-walled construction to keep hot beverages hot and cold drinks cold. Whether you’re looking for a wine tumbler or a travel mug, there’s a type of custom tumbler out there that fits the bill. 

One of the most popular tumbler options is a custom Stanley® Quencher H2.O FlowState™ Tumbler – 40 oz. This viral sensation features vacuum insulation that retains temperature while protecting your hands from hot and cold. All their tumblers are constructed of recycled stainless steel for sustainable sipping, and the 40 oz. version can keep a beverage hot for up to 11 hours and cold for up to 72 hours.

#10 Best Rainy Day Save

In a time of crisis, there’s usually one or two employees who step up to the plate and save the day. If someone stepped up at work during your time of need, they deserve a shout-out. If you want to get creative with the employee award, consider giving them a promotional golf umbrella — which, contrary to the name, isn’t just for golfers. While many golf enthusiasts do turn to these umbrellas to keep off the sun and the rain while they play 18 holes, many non-golfers also appreciate these over-large umbrellas for the protection they provide. 

A quality golf umbrella can be difficult to find, so your employees are sure to appreciate this practical gift. Most golf umbrellas offer a wingspan of almost five feet, usually ranging between 58 and 62 inches, though smaller 46-inch versions are available as well. If you have lots of golfers in your office, we suggest pairing a golf umbrella with tees, balls, towels, and other custom golf accessories for a full set.

#11 The Survivor Award

If one of your reports survived a tough product review or got grilled during a client meeting, acknowledge it with a humorous yet practical gift to commemorate the occasion: a custom barbecue set. A custom BBQ set is especially timely if you’re heading into the summer months or live in a place that’s temperate year-round. 

Most grill sets include some combination of spatula, tongs, knife, fork, basting brush, skewers, and corn holders all wrapped up in a convenient carrying case. Supplement with a BBQ multitool, apron, cooler, grill basket, carving set, or other grilling accessories for a truly comprehensive employee reward.

#12 Best Team

A bad team can go off the rails in a few days, but a good team is far greater than the sum of its parts and will rise to extraordinary achievements. Recognize teams who have gone above and beyond with an appropriate group-themed gift, such as a branded glassware set (beer, wine, cocktail, champagne, or all of the above). Glass is the most popular material but many styles come in stainless steel as well. 

Stainless steel wine tumblers are an especially good choice for picnics. Give employees one of each kind of glass or bundle four or more of one type into a set so they can toast with their friends to their employee recognition.

#13 Best Customer Service

Working in customer service is a tough job. But just because customer service is hard doesn’t mean that it also has to be thankless, so show your employees that you recognize their hard work, even if the customers don’t. Customer service reps are always helping other people, so give them something nice to treat themselves, such as a set of high-quality custom bar accessories instead. 

Think automatic wine openers, stainless steel flasks, mixology sets, beverage sets, wall-mount beer openers, and more. Select an already-existing set or pair several items together to create your own. Bonus points if you combine this gift with some nice beer, wine, or liquor. Or even better, tickets to a group mixology class that employees can take together as a team bonding experience, with no customers in sight.

#14 Coolest Under Pressure

Employees who stay calm, cool, and collected in the most stressful of circumstances deserve to be recognized appropriately. For a relevant gift that they’ll be sure to use for years, we recommend a durable hard cooler with a latching lid. Bison, Igloo®, and OtterBox all make quality hard coolers with large lids that offer a substantial imprint area for your logo and branding. 

Not only is a custom hard cooler a practical yet considerate gift, but employees will be able to use it for a long time. Many of them come with a warranty to back it up (OtterBox even offers a lifetime warranty!).

#15 Longest Tenure

It’s no longer the norm to stay with one company for 20 years or more. Many workers move on after just a few years, with long-standing employees becoming more and more rare. This makes it more important than ever to recognize your tenured employees’ loyalty. Give them a long-lasting gift with employee corporate awards made from glass, metal, and/or wood. 

These classy-looking awards are sure to be treasured and communicate your appreciation of your employees. Just make sure to order them in plenty of time before the ceremony since the custom engraving takes time.

Business Benefits of Recognizing Your Team

Employee engagement fosters loyalty and creativity daily. Just like how we focus on our consumers’ behaviors to create connection, your teammates seek out the same sense of community. To be able to recognize and value your company’s contributors with humor and dedication to development requires a support system like Pinnacle Promotions.

Connect to our Account Management Team for Support

Your employees are sure to appreciate any of the ideas on this list of employee award categories. If you’re having trouble deciding between them, or you’ve narrowed down your decision and are ready to get a quote, feel free to reach out to us!

Posted by Admin in Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Employee Holiday Gifts: The Top 8 Promotional Product Categories for 2023

Employee Holiday Gifts: The Top 8 Promotional Product Categories for 2023

by Chrissy Petrone, Content Marketing Specialist

Can you believe we are already in the midst of the holiday season? Pumpkin season is here, Thanksgiving is coming, and before we know it we will be ringing in the New Year. While you probably know that promotional products are great for marketing initiatives, trade shows, and client gifts, you may not think about promotional products as employee holiday gifts. The holiday season is all about gratitude —  your employees have worked so hard this year, and a great way to express your gratitude is to thank them with a custom-branded gift.

Since it is unlikely that all of your employees have the same hobbies and are into the same types of things, it might be hard to narrow down the perfect personalized gift for everyone. Don’t worry we’ve got your back. Here are the top 8 promotional product categories we are excited about for the 2023 holiday season:

#1 Home & Leisure

Fall is absolutely my favorite time of year. Autumn is officially here, and one of my favorite things about the season is spending quality time with family and friends. Whether I am hosting a Friendsgiving or sitting by the fire and playing cards with friends and family, aesthetics are important to me. I don’t know if I’ve caught the "Fixer Upper" bug or if it’s simply my personal preference, but when I’m entertaining I like for my home to feel and look polished, warm, and inviting.

Copper is in this season, and one of my favorite custom entertaining pieces we offer for entertaining is our Moscow Mule Mug 4-in-1 Gift Set. This four-piece branded gift set has all of the essentials you need to make an excellent Moscow mule. Not only is this custom gift modern and high quality, it’s also very thoughtful. Most likely, your employees will be using this while mixing a drink and relaxing at home. Even though they are away from the office, this gift will enhance their downtime and remind them that they have a great job to be thankful for.

Another favorite holiday gift of mine is the Field & Co. Sherpa Blanket. I love this customizable blanket because it is soft, trendy, and versatile. If you work in an office, then you know that sometimes it is boiling hot, and other times it’s freezing cold. This gift is great because your employees can keep it at their desk or use it to cozy up around a bonfire. Either way, you’re keeping them warm and showing how much you appreciate them.

Field & Co. Sherpa Blanket
Moscow Mule Mug 4-in-1 Gift Set

#2 Custom Drinkware

Drinkware is one of the most popular promotional product categories, and we have some fantastic options for this holiday season. I suffer from a *minor* caffeine addiction, so I love a custom tumbler that I can use for hot coffee in the morning and that I can wash out and use for iced coffee throughout the day.

It’s pretty incredible that the branded Himalayan tumbler can keep beverages hot or cold for up to 6 hours. Some days I am so busy that I find myself sitting at my desk from the moment I get here till I get up to take my lunch break. When you are in the middle of a project, the last thing you want is to go for a sip of your delicious hot java only to find that it’s turned lukewarm. 

The Himalayan tumbler is such a life-saver for busy workdays and the 20 oz. Himalayan Tumbler is my new favorite design. This custom-branded tumbler is excellent for cold mornings on the soccer field or hot summer days at the park. It will help keep your employees fueled up and hydrated for any kind of day their week might throw at them.

I also have to mention the Intrepid Stainless Steel Tumbler - 40 oz. This promotional tumbler is a big hit here at Pinnacle and has become a coveted item around the office. Everyone loves this thing, and it’s no surprise. It holds up to 40 oz of liquid, can be used year-round in all seasons and for various occasions, and is just plain cool looking. 

It also has a double-wall construction, a screw-on lid with a straw, and is BPA-free. Plus, it comes in trendy matte colors. If you are looking to "wow" your employees with a unique gift this year, this is your show-stopper. It’s large enough to fill with smaller gifts and cool enough to gift on its own. Either way, your employees will be impressed!

20 oz. Himalayan Tumbler
Intrepid Stainless Steel Tumbler - 40 oz.

#3 Branded Apparel

I love sporting my company's custom swag, especially on casual Fridays. I love where I work, and I feel proud to wear my company's branded attire to work and also out and about. Wearables are such an excellent and practical holiday gift for your employees. It’s pretty impressive when you realize how many different types of apparel and wearables you can brand with your company's logo.

One gift idea that has particularly caught my attention this year is  The North Face® Pom Beanie. Everyone makes resolutions for the New Year to become a fitter and happier version of themselves. The North Face® Pom Beanie will encourage your employees to get outside and start moving while keeping their heads toasty and warm. 

Another favorite of mine is the Port Authority Women's Interlock Open Cardigan. This is another coveted item around the office and is flattering on all body shapes and sizes. This cardigan is lightweight and has an open front, and the back seaming details at the waist give it a sophisticated and timeless look. What I really love about it is that it can be dressed up or down. I can wear this with workout clothes, while running errands, around the office, and dress it up for meetings with my clients. This custom piece pairs well with so many different styles and occasions and is a classy way to promote your brand. The Port Authority Interlock Full-Zip is our men’s compatible piece.

Branded apparel is one of our top-selling product categories, and we are adding more unique styles all of the time. From short and long-sleeved polos, jackets, cardigans, dress shirts, workout attire, winter attire, or even fashionable beanies, you will be able to find the perfect gift for your employees this holiday season.

The North Face® Pom Beanie
Port Authority Women's Interlock Open Cardigan

#4 Branded Food Gifts

Charcuterie boards are all the rage this year. Whether you are hosting a holiday event or bringing food to a potluck, the Charcuterie Favorites Board with Meat and Cheese Set is the perfect item for the holidays and year-round. This comes with dry cured salami, assorted cheeses, cheese knife, crackers, and gourmet mustard. All are packaged with a beautifully engraved bamboo cutting board. Delicious food and high-quality cutting board and knife make for an excellent and thoughtful custom holiday gift for your employees.

Food gift sets are always a popular choice, and we have the perfect gift to fit this trend. Our Holiday Treats Tower is such a cool and "out of the box" (pun intended) way to show employee recognition this year. Packed with a variety of gourmet goodies, including chocolate-covered pretzels, caramel popcorn, and mixed nuts, this delightful tower is designed to satisfy every palate. The mix of sweet and savory snacks caters to different tastes, ensuring there's something for everyone on your team. The Holiday Treats Tower is an ideal way to strengthen employee morale, boost holiday cheer, and express your sincere thanks for their contributions, making their holiday season a little brighter. 

It is difficult to choose just a few food gifts for this season, but we have so many different offerings to meet your needs this season that you will have no issue picking something tasty, classic, and memorable.

Charcuterie Favorites Board with Meat and Cheese Set
Holiday Treats Tower

#5 Promotional Outdoor Items & Safety Products

We are so busy these days, and the holiday season is definitely the busiest time of year. Between working 40+ hours a week, trying to prep healthy meals, exercising, and sleeping eight hours a night the last thing most working professionals think about is their car battery. Most people are back to commuting to work daily and put a lot of wear and tear on their vehicles. Being prepared for the worst is important, and safety gifts are a great way to make sure your employees are safe on the road and able to get to work on time with less stress. The Highway Companion Gift Set is the perfect gift for your commuter employees.

This thoughtfully curated set includes a sleek, black leatherette pouch containing essential tools every traveler needs. The set features a power bank to keep their devices charged on the go, a multi-functional flashlight, and a compact yet mighty tire pressure gauge. Practical and stylish, this gift embodies your appreciation for your team's dedication. Living in Atlanta, commuting takes up a good portion of my day. On a good day, I can make it to work in 45 minutes, and I would love to have a kit like this in my car…just in case.

It’s almost impossible to keep weight off during the holidays. From work parties to family gatherings, food tends to be the centerpiece for all occasions. I am trying to exercise more and am really watching my diet. I want to be healthy, and there is a strong chance that your employees will make some sort of health-conscious resolution for the new year as well. 

The Adventure Duffle Bag is an excellent investment for your health. It’s perfect for hiking but can also be used to pack gym clothes, healthy snacks, and whatever else your employees will need to tackle their 2024 health goals. Corporate health and wellness initiatives are important for companies to focus on, and this is a great way to encourage your employees toward a healthier lifestyle.

Highway Companion Gift Set
Adventure Duffle Bag

#6 Branded Tech

Technology is such an exciting and universal promotional product category. Every one of your employees uses some sort of technology every single day. From Bluetooth wireless speakers, power bank and jolt chargers, USB drives, headphones, wireless Bluetooth earbuds, and activity monitors, there are so many unique and modern gift options in this product category.

I am definitely a technology junkie, so this is the hardest category for me to narrow down, but I have to mention the Essos True Wireless Auto Pair Earbuds w/ Case. These sleek and high-quality earbuds are more than just a gift; they're a gesture of appreciation. Featuring auto-pair technology and a secure-fit design, they provide premium sound quality while ensuring comfort during long listening sessions. 

The compact charging case ensures they're always ready to go, perfect for on-the-go employees. These are excellent for commuting, traveling, exercising, and whatever else your employees are up to. Many of the newer mobile devices don't have a headphone jack, so wireless headphones are the way to go, making these headphones convenient and forward-thinking.

The Sleek Aluminum 4,000 mAh Power Bank is the ideal holiday gift to light up your employees' festive season. This stylish and functional power bank is designed to keep your team connected and powered up throughout their busy days. Its 4,000 mAh capacity ensures that they can charge their devices on the go, from smartphones to tablets. The sleek aluminum finish and compact size make it a chic and convenient accessory, while the customizable branding options add a personalized touch to your holiday gifting. By choosing this gift, you're demonstrating your appreciation for your employees' dedication and offering them a practical tool to stay charged and productive. Show your gratitude and give the gift of power and connectivity this holiday season.

Essos True Wireless Auto Pair Earbuds w/ Case
Sleek Aluminum 4,000 mAh Power Bank

#7 Custom Office Items

Personalized office products are practical and thoughtful. I know for me personally I love my company-branded notebook. My team has weekly meetings, and our sales department tends to have many meetings at various times during the week. The Manhattan Writing Pad is a great choice if you are considering a nice notebook for your employee gift. It is made with genuine leather, which gives it a sleek and professional appearance. It also features an interior organizer with business card pockets and a document folder. This notebook can be used around the office or on-the-go for client meetings.

I love my notebook for organization, but there are so many other unique office categories for employee gifts. The Truman Wireless Charging Accessory Tray is by far my favorite office holiday gift for the season.

This multifunctional and stylish desk accessory acts as an organizational hub for personal items, and it includes a wireless charging pad, ensuring devices stay powered throughout the workday. I think this item is so cool and so different. Your employees will absolutely love feeling well-equipped to tackle their daily tasks, making it the perfect holiday token for a productive and connected work environment.

Manhattan Writing Pad
Truman Wireless Charging Accessory Tray

#8 Branded Sustainable Gifts

Sustainability has been a big topic this year and offers another unique promotional product category that you may have not considered for holiday gifts. Whether your employees are traveling for business or pleasure, the Aft Recycled PET 21" Duffel is a fantastic holiday gift.

Crafted from recycled plastic bottles, this eco-friendly duffel not only showcases your commitment to the environment but also offers ample storage space for all your employees' travel or gym essentials. Its versatile design complete with multiple zippered pockets, an adjustable shoulder strap, and durable handles, ensures a seamless transition from work to play. This duffel is a very high-quality and thoughtful gift for you to give your employees this holiday season.

After a busy work year, relaxation is on everyone’s mind at the end of Q4. Our MiiR® Camp Cup Gift Set is a fantastic employee gift to encourage healthy work/life balance. This gift set includes a classic campfire-style mug and a high-quality, dual-layered vacuum-insulated tumbler. Whether your employees are sipping their morning coffee or a refreshing beverage on a camping trip or at their desk, this gift set keeps their drinks at the ideal temperature. It's a versatile and eco-friendly option that encourages your team to reduce waste by using reusable containers. Your team has worked so hard this year, and they deserve to relax and feel appreciated for all of their efforts.

Aft Recycled PET 21" Duffel
MiiR® Camp Cup Gift Set

Show your employees how much you care about them this holiday season by giving them a unique and memorable holiday gift. Home & Leisure, Drinkware, Apparel, Food Gifts, Outdoor/Safety, Technology, Office, and Sustainability are our top promotional product categories for 2023 holiday gifts. Whether you are wanting your employees to relax, pursue a healthy lifestyle, or simply enjoy a delicious treat, we can help you show your gratitude and create a lasting impression to show your appreciation. If you'd like more great gift ideas, check out our Holiday Hub — a great resource for expanded ideas in these product areas!

I hope this has given you some great ideas for your 2023 employee gifts.

From all of us at Pinnacle Promotions, we wish you a safe and happy holiday!

Posted by Admin in Marketing Ideas, Seasonal Marketing Ideas, Top Trending Topics, 0 comments
How to Handle a Suddenly Canceled Event

How to Handle a Suddenly Canceled Event

Event planners must be ready for all types of challenges and disruptions that can take place. 

Having to pull the plug on an event that took months of preparation and planning can be a tough decision to make. It can happen for many reasons: low ticket sales, the performer falls ill, a community crisis or state-of-emergency, funding issues, etc. 

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the cause of hundreds of canceled events around the world. When an event must shut down, it may leave you scrambling to come up with a solution that keeps your ticket holders informed and slightly less disappointed. 

Having to cancel is a real bummer, but we’ve come up with some simple tips to overcome the sudden status change and keep your customers (somewhat) satisfied. 

Confirm that the event cannot go on

Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable and out of your control. These types of situations may be government-mandated, or due to weather, venue orders, the entertainer’s health, or out of an abundance of caution. 

Review your booking agreements and contracts if the cancellation is on the venue or performer. You’ll probably want to read up on your insurance policy to see coverage and claim details. 

Cease all ticket sales

If your event is suddenly canceled while the ticket window is still open, quickly cease all ticket sales and payment processing. 

Make sure that you pull down the “buy tickets” button from your website, and that you alert your third-party ticket vendors to remove the listing. 

Consider your options

Depending on the circumstances, you may have some options to give your customers. 

Is the event able to be saved and postponed to a later date? You’ll be able to turn around some fans’ day who can’t wait to attend the rescheduled event. 

Other options to offer your fans include issuing a refund or applying their purchase to a future event in the form of credit. Your fans may be satisfied with the options, and you’ll want to be transparent about the process of both and inform them of the steps to take. 

Try to make the process as easy as possible for your affected customers. You want them to remember how you helped correct an unfortunate situation. 

Communicate updates to the public

Get the word out to the public of the event’s status. If you’re selling tickets at the door, you’ll need to notify the masses to keep customers from traveling to buy tickets to a canceled event. 

Send out a message on your social media, through email, text, and website posts. Create a banner informing those of the event cancellation and the contact information where they can direct their questions. 

It’s better to over-communicate – that way you have a greater chance of reaching every ticket holder. 

Enlist a response team to answer customer questions

With a sudden change such as this, you’ll need a few more helping hands to deal with the volume of incoming calls, chats, and emails. 

Having an internal FAQ resource sheet available to your response team can help them accurately and confidently answer the questions and concerns coming their way from frustrated customers. 

Say sorry with an incentive or peace offering

An apology email can help explain the situation to your customers while acknowledging their frustration and disappointment. 

It’s a great opportunity to tell your customers your plan of action and reassure them that you’re handling everything, and you can let them know of any incentives or peace offerings you may be offering to help express your sincerest apologies. 

Some ideas include:

  1. A discount on a future event
  2. Food and drink voucher redeemable on the postponed date
  3. Free custom event t-shirt and a promotional baseball cap
  4. Covered parking fees at a future event
  5. Branded tumbler to use at drink stations for unlimited refills

If you’re able to hold a virtual event and live-stream the performance, consider sending the ticket holders a swag bag of goodies. It’ll help foster goodwill. 

Posted by Admin in Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
Planning the Perfect Golf Tournament

Planning the Perfect Golf Tournament

Is your company looking for a fun and effective way to raise money for an organization that’s near and dear to your heart? A charity golf tournament is an excellent fundraising platform that participants, sponsors, and attendees will enjoy. 

Planning the perfect golf tournament requires significant time and money, but it can yield substantial benefits for the charity of your choice. There’s a lot that goes into executing an event like this, which is why we’re sharing our tips-of-the-trade so you can “ace” your event! 

Define the Goals for Everyone

Defining your company’s goals for the golf tournament is the best way to set up your event for success. First, determine the objective and how you plan to achieve it. What kind of goals should you be reaching for? Here are a couple of questions to consider: 

  • What is our purpose for this golf tournament?
  • Who’s benefiting from the event and how?
  • How much do we plan to raise?

A master strategy deck that clearly states your goals for the tournament can help keep everyone on the same page. Be sure your goals are defined, fundraising intentions are clear, and the beneficiary is identified when planning a golf tournament. 

Create a Budget

Ideally, you should determine your budget early on as it will help guide your decisions through the planning process. Take into account your anticipated expenditures, such as marketing and advertising spend, golf course rent, green fees, hiring of third-party event planners, food and drink, and golf gift kits. You never know when things may go awry, so be prepared to have room in the budget for last-minute or unplanned expenses, too.

Select the Golf Course

Once your budget is sorted out, you’ll need to decide what golf course you plan on hosting your tournament at. 

Consider the golfers who will be playing your tournament. Are they casual or intermediate players from your company, or are they PGA pros? You want your participants to be comfortable and equipped on the course you choose so they can raise the most money possible. 

Selecting the best golf venue is a crucial component of the tournament’s success. You’ll want to think about the players’ skill level, venue location, and price. 

Gather an Army of Volunteers

To pull off a successful tournament, you’ll need to have a lot of helping hands. Enlist volunteers who are knowledgeable about golf, have a passion for the cause, and are skilled in planning events and organization. 

Assign your team to areas where their skills can be most utilized. Volunteers who are experienced golfers or understand the game can help answer questions that come their way at the information or registration tent, or they could be useful caddies to the participating golfers. 

Those passionate about the cause can help spread awareness to attendees, while your team with exceptional event planning and organization skills can lend a hand in the operations and logistics of the tournament. Wherever they’re most suited, make sure the volunteers are also comfortable manning their assigned stations. 

Sign-On Sponsors

Sponsors are essential for a prosperous golf outing. Generally, golf tournaments have a headlining sponsor and several tiered sponsors. 

A headlining sponsor generally receives the most brand exposure during the event. Adding the headliner’s logo on all media, or naming the players’ lounge or award ceremony after them, is a great way to make sure their investment is well-placed. 

Tiered sponsorships allow businesses the option to choose how much they want to donate. Companies who become a tiered partner can enjoy seeing their name and logo at a specific area of the tournament. Branding opportunities are endless and can include sponsoring a hole, outfitting the players and volunteers with golf attire, or supplying the open bar and bartenders.  

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

Now that your goals, budget, golf course, volunteers, and sponsors are worked out, you need to spread the word about your event! On the invitation, make sure to include all of the important details: date and time, location, the sponsors, entry fees, etc. 

Think about your company’s established channels of communication and use them to your advantage. Do you have a massive social media following? Post the invite as an event! If you have a solid list of email contacts, send an evite (email invitation). Going for a more formal look? Printed invitations can help achieve the look you’re aiming for. 

Anticipate Attendance

Don’t be afraid to cap the number of attendees that you allow to enter the event. Depending on the invitee type, a more intimate group could be all that you need to reach your desired result. 

A large participant pool could make the event go on longer than anticipated. Taking time to scope out the golf course layout, confirming player count, and staggering tee-times can help keep the tournament moving along efficiently. 

Keep the Food and Beverages Flowing 

Your golfers paid their entry fees to support your cause, so make sure they’re well taken care of on tournament day! Don’t forget to coordinate food with the venue and where to set up. Whether you use their on-site food services or a catering company, the venue may have a specific location in mind for plating and distributing meals. 

Almost as importantly, supply your volunteers and participants a place to eat quietly away from the crowds. Make sure you have snacks and beverages available to them so they don’t go hungry! 

Make it Memorable 

You can make the 18-hole event even more fun by hosting contests throughout the day. Awarding prizes for the longest drive, coming closest to the hole, and the wackiest golf outfit are a few ways to keep the competitive (and giving) spirit alive! 

Photo booths and golf-inspired cocktail drinks are also unique ways to ensure everyone in attendance has a memorable experience. 

Raise Extra Money with Prizes

Having raffles or silent auctions at your event is a great way to raise extra funds. Talk to your sponsors, local businesses, and sports teams to see if they can donate some prizes or goodies to bid on. 

If you’re gifting the items, think about offering something like a custom Fender guitar or a North Face Groundwork Backpack to really wow the crowd! 

Send Everyone Home with a Swag Bag 

Everyone loves a good swag bag, especially when it’s brimming with thoughtful and cool promotional items. You might consider a blend of golf promos and everyday products when creating a swag bag for everyone in attendance. 

Elevate Your Gift-Giving Game: Perfect Gift Ideas for Golfers

If you’re searching for the ultimate gifts for golfers, look no further than Pinnacle Promotions. Our extensive range of gifts for golfers is sure to leave a lasting impression. Allow us to guide you through a selection of exceptional options that will make any golfer jump for joy!

Personalized Golf Hats

First and foremost, let’s talk about the all-important golf hat. While clubs may be essential, a personalized golf hat truly tops the list of priorities for any golfer. Consider adding this stylish and practical accessory to your gift list, ensuring they hit the course in ultimate style.

Custom Golf Towels

Another must-have item for golfers is a custom golf towel. Let’s face it, golf towels are indispensable on the green, and every golfer appreciates having one at hand. Be the friendly face that provides them with a high-quality, custom-designed golf towel they can proudly display during their rounds.

Custom Golf Tools

When it comes to practicality, custom golf tools are a golfer’s best friend. These thoughtful and functional tools are the perfect addition to any golfer’s swag bag. Why not opt for custom divot tools? These handy accessories will undoubtedly make a lasting impression and prove invaluable on the golf course.

Bluetooth Speaker

To add a touch of luxury to their golfing experience, surprise them with a custom Bluetooth speaker. Nothing enhances the enjoyment of a round of golf quite like the perfect soundtrack. This thoughtful gift will not only provide them with exceptional sound quality but also ensure their golfing adventures are accompanied by their favorite tunes.

Personalized Golf Balls

But why stop there? For a truly personalized touch, consider personalized golf balls. With their logo beautifully imprinted on each ball, they’ll feel a sense of pride and ownership every time they step up to the tee. It’s a small detail that can make a big impact on their game.

Custom Golf Tees

Another fantastic gift idea that no golfer can have enough of is custom golf tees. These essential accessories are not only practical but also offer an opportunity for personalization. Engrave their logo, a special message, or even a memorable golf quote on these tees, and they’ll appreciate the thoughtful gesture every time they set up for a swing.

Personalized Golf Ball Markers

For an elegant and practical gift, personalized golf ball markers are an excellent choice. These markers add a touch of sophistication to any golfer’s game and make it easy for them to spot and identify their ball on the green. Engrave their logo or incorporate a unique design to create a one-of-a-kind marker that truly stands out.

Custom Golf Umbrellas

Lastly, when it comes to protecting golfers from the elements, custom golf umbrellas are a stylish and practical choice. Shielding them from rain or providing shade on sunny days, these umbrellas offer an opportunity for customization. Add their logo or a striking design that reflects their personality, ensuring they stay comfortable and dry throughout their golfing sessions.

If you still crave more options, look no further than our extensive collection of gifts for golfers. With our diverse range of products and accessories, you’re bound to find the ideal gift to suit any golfer’s taste and preferences.

Make a lasting impression and show your favorite golfer just how much you appreciate their passion for the game. Explore our carefully curated selection of gifts for golfers today and leave them with a smile that lasts well beyond their time on the green.

Ask for Feedback

Lastly, send a follow-up thanking everyone who helped with the golf tournament. Be sure to include in your thank-you photos from the event, how their contributions benefited the charity, and a section where they can provide feedback. 

Ask them to include what they liked about the golf tournament and what areas need improvement. There are always going to be hiccups with every event, but their honest feedback can help your operations improve for the next one! 

There are a lot of moving parts to a charity golf tournament, but the outcome is so rewarding. Strategy, hard work, and dedication can help you spread awareness about the cause or organization you’re supporting and allow your brand to display their philanthropic arm to the world!   

Get out there and have the best golf tournament of your life! Be sure to bring plenty of food and promotional golf items!

Posted by Admin in Marketing Ideas, 0 comments
How to Talk to Prospects, Capture and Qualify Leads at a Trade Show

How to Talk to Prospects, Capture and Qualify Leads at a Trade Show

Get ready, because it’s almost (marketing) game time! Now that you have a trade show strategy in place, it’s time to gather up the company reps, board the plane, and grow your business. 

A trade show is a prospect gold mine. Heading into the convention center with a plan of action can yield excellent results for your brand.

Once the booth is set up and the team has been given their pep talk, the exhibit hall doors open. Trade show attendees pour into the center and make their way to your booth. It’s a great start and a positive result of your pre-show marketing initiatives and fun giveaway selection

The next step, however, can be a bit challenging: talking to prospects and identifying the leads. No worries, though. We’ve provided some tips on how to talk to your booth prospects, capture and qualify leads who can enhance your business network. 

How to Talk to Prospects

When it comes to engaging with your booth visitors, niceties such as “Hello, how are you?” and “Great city for a conference, right?” will only get you so far in meaningful conversation. The focus of your one-on-one with a prospect should be about asking the right types of questions. 

Your questions can make all the difference and help you identify a lead. Take a look at this sequence of questions that can steer the conversation to your desired result. 

Opening Questions

Your opening questions are just what you think they are: questions that help you determine the prospect’s needs and objectives, challenges, and gauge their level of brand recognition. Some example questions include: 

  • What are you hoping to get out of the trade show?
  • Can you describe some of the challenges you’re experiencing with your current product/service?
  • Have you heard of our brand or product/service before?

Investigative Questions

After you’ve heard your prospect’s answers, now is the time for more probing-type questions. What you learn here can help you identify the prospect as a potential lead. Example investigative questions include:

  • What product/service are you currently using? What do you like and dislike about it?
  • How much are you looking to spend?
  • What are your top three must-haves for a product/service?

Demonstrative Questions

During your presentation, ask questions that will keep the prospect or lead involved. It can help you measure their interest in the product/service and allow you to hear their feedback. Some demonstrative-type questions to try:

  • What do you think of our product/service capabilities?
  • How does it compare to the one you use now?
  • Do you have any concerns or questions regarding our product or service?

Closing Questions

Closure is beneficial in many situations but especially marketing and sales. Good closure questions should encourage a follow-up action for the prospect or lead. Here are some examples:

  • How do the decision-makers in your company decide which vendors to use?
  • What else would be important information for you to know?

If they’re expressing extreme interest to learn more…

  • Can I set up an appointment with you to further discuss our product/service solutions that I think will enhance your company’s objective?

On-site conference rooms can help boost your lead-gen goal success. A private meeting area will allow your team to provide additional capabilities exposure and brainstorm a customized solution for the interested prospect. If you don’t have one available at the trade show, make sure you get their contact information (with their blessing, of course) to set up a future appointment date. 

How to Capture and Qualify Leads

Technology is a great way to create buzz around your booth. Not only is it more interactive for your visitors, but it’s also an excellent tool for capturing and qualifying leads. 

Lead capture technology can provide a great return for companies investing in a trade show. A simple way to capture leads is through QR codes. These 2-D matrix barcodes are often found on event name badges, making it easy for reps to scan and capture visitor information. 

Using this data, companies can later analyze their booth’s traffic performance, sort leads, and leverage this insight to enhance their strategy at the next trade show. 

Trade show merchandise with printed QR codes can get visitors more engaged so they may take the next steps, such as submitting information on a lead form, browsing products or services on a landing page, watching a video or presentation, and more.  

Post-Show Marketing Actions

Reaching out to your leads is a must. Give your contacts some time to get settled at the office before sending your follow-up, but don’t sit too long on it. Be sure to send a lead-nurturing campaign as soon as possible while the lead is still hot. 

Maximizing your post-show marketing can go a long way toward achieving a positive return on your trade show investment. Your follow-up can determine your conversion success, and a well-crafted email can help with that. Make sure it’s customized for each lead. 

When writing your email, remember to clearly state who you are, what company you work for, and the trade show where you two met. Need inspiration? Here’s an example below. 

Trade show lead follow-up email:

Hello [lead name],

It was a pleasure to meet you at [trade show event name]! I hope you enjoyed the keynote speaker and learned a lot at the breakout sessions. 

You mentioned that [lead’s company] is looking to [lead’s pain point], so I wanted to reach out to further discuss how [your company] can help you with your objective. 

I’d love to set up a call with you to answer your questions and chat about the next steps. Do you have time this week for a 15-minute call? I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you,

[your name & contact info]

Measuring the success of your trade show is determined by how you met your marketing objectives. Review the goals you’ve set for your team before the big day and keep them in mind when chatting up prospects. Converting prospects to leads and leads to customers shows great success and can help you determine which shows are worth returning to the following year!

Before you can talk to your prospects and capture potential leads, you need to drive trade show attendees to your booth! See our infographic below on how to do just that.

Share our Infographic

trade show traffic leads infographic

Posted by Admin in How to Reach a Target Audience, 0 comments