Company Giveaway Favorites: Custom Calendars

There is nothing like a good promotional giveaway to generate buzz around your business. To make the most of it, you have to choose the right company promotional items to give away. Sure, everyone likes to receive free stuff. Not every gift, however, will have the same impact on potential customers. That is why we are fond of giving away custom calendars.

The simple calendar has a lot of uses for many people. Beyond keeping track of the day and month, it is a great way to make notes, pencil in appointments and keep everyday life organized. For your business, it is also the perfect way to insert some branded content into your customers’ and employees’ lives without being intrusive or too obvious. A central calendar is a great place to put company and team-building events as well.

Here is what we find so special about custom calendars:

Everyone can use one

Yes, computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices we use each day have a calendar. Most even do a better job by giving us quick reminders of upcoming events. Despite all of this great technology, many people still prefer the old-fashioned calendar.

custom calendar | Pinnacle PromotionsSometimes, the act of handwriting something into a calendar or notebook helps us to remember it better. Master calendars also make it easier to stay organized throughout the week to avoid missing deadlines.

Some people just like to see the individual pictures and messages that come with each month. Custom calendars tend to be more creative and engaging than their desktop versions.

A custom calendar as a promotional gift can be a powerful thing. You can offer something unique and useful to potential customers without spending a lot of time and money. It also gives you the most control over the final look of the gift itself.

Do you want to include your logo? That's easy. Want to share your company's special milestones and everyday experiences? With the combination of text and pictures above each month, you can do just that. The creative possibilities with custom calendars are limitless. This can, however, make it difficult to know what kind of calendar to make for the final giveaway. Here are a few tips to make sure you have the best calendar to hand out.

Pick the right calendar

All calendars have the same thing in common: They share the days and months of a given year. Despite this similarity, there are plenty of subtle differences between calendar types to consider. The most basic types are wall, desktop and notepad calendars. Each one offers a few advantages over the others.

custom calendar | Pinnacle PromotionsWall calendars are the most common in office settings. When you want a convenient and visible place to see the date, you choose the wall. The right calendar can also add to the space's decor without taking up too much room.

Desktop calendars, on the other hand, are the type that people interact with the most. Office workers who have busy schedules tend to prefer the desktop variety to write in events and appointments. Like the wall calendar, a desktop calendar can also add a sense of personalization into the mix.

Notepads, while less common, are the most versatile when keeping track of daily activities and events. You can rip pages away, tape them to a desk or wall, send them around to other people and more. They also tend to be smaller than other calendars, so you can save some money on packaging and printing costs by going this route.

Get the branding right

custom calendar | Pinnacle PromotionsMore than anything else, spend some time on what you want to put in the custom calendar. First and foremost, there should be some branding in the calendar. At the very least, include your logo on the cover or in the corner of each page.

Beyond branding, get creative with the calendar. Ideally, choose images and textual content that are either unique or related to the brand. Create a theme or tone to drive the creativity: make it humorous or tied to a specific event/holiday. The more the calendar stands out to the customer, the better.

Print the final result

Once you have everything planned out, the only thing you need is the calendar itself. Ideally, you will have plenty of calendars to give away to anyone you want. That is where we come in. We can print off as many calendars as you need in the style and design you want. If you find yourself wanting a great gift for a company giveaway, contact us. We’ll give you all the help you need to have a killer giveaway people will love.

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